It is March. That’s usually when Darryl Metcalfe rears his ugly head and voila!
Yes, Representative Metcalfe as head of the State Government Committee has introduced another version of an amendment that “protects” marriage from … marriage? And this time, he’s taking civil unions and domestic partnerships with him.
From Equality PA
A vote on House Bill (HB) 1434 is scheduled for TUESDAY, MARCH 13 in the House State Government Committee. Now is the time to let your voice be heard.
HB 1434, proposed by Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, would not only amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman, it would invalidate any other type of legal union or one substantially equivalent. That means any discussion of civil unions or domestic partnerships would forever be off the table for consideration. Passage of this legislation will also forcefully terminate benefits currently provided to thousands of employees in municipalities or state owned schools or facilities that offer domestic partnership benefits.
That’s next week. So what can you do?
Well, call your State Rep and tell them what you think. Email them is another option.
Let’s be clear. This bill is in committee. Metcalfe wants it to be approved by the Committee and sent to the House Floor for a full vote. He wants Democrats in conservative leaning districts to cast a “gay marriage” vote during a Presidential election year.
Well, that’s gonna turn out more conservatives to support Mitt/Rick/Newt, etc, right? It is also gonna make centrist D’s think twice about their floor vote. Marriage equality is a long, long battle for Pennsylvania’s LGBT community and we need to take swift action to stop the votes now so we have time to keep building support.
This isn’t just legislation. It is an amendment to our state constitution. Does that create a job? No. It might cost $1 million in advertising to put it on the ballot. There are tons of reasons why this is not an issue we want our state government to focus on at this point in time.
We might lose our health insurance here in Pittsburgh because it is given based on a legally recognized domestic partner benefit arrangement. Ouch.
You really need to take some action. You can’t afford to wait. It won’t be just marriage. It will be second parent or gay adoption. It will anti-discrimination laws. It will be complete and total second class citizenship for you and your family. And if you don’t act now … well, it might be too late in six months.
Here is what we need you to do on Monday.
Call these people:
George Dunbar (R) Westmoreland County – Jeannette, Irwin, Trafford (724) 744-0305
Eli Evakovich (R) Westmoreland/Armstrong Counties – New Ken, Harrison, (724) 387-1281
Timothy Krieger (R) Westmoreland County Greensburg, Youngwood (724) 834-6400
Mark Mustio (R) Allegheny County Ross, Moon Township (412) 262-3780
Rep Dunbar is on Facebook And Twitter @RepDunbar
So is Rep Evankovich on Facebook. And Twitter @RepEvankovich
An so is Mark Mustio on Facebook. And Twitter @MarkMustio
(Not sure why Tim K is a beat behind, so just call him!)
If you live in these districts, call. Living or working or owning a business in their district is VITAL. Click on the link to see the map and you’ll know. Call. Call. Call. Keep it sweet and short. Talking points below. But here’s my advice.
This doesn’t create a single job. State how many people you personally know are looking for work.
This could COST the tax payers up to $1 million to comply with the advertising requirements. Where will that money come from?
Same sex marriage is already illegal in Pennsylvania. I want you to focus on real issues like healthcare, roads, taxes, small business, regulating my food, etc.
We have a 3 day window to fill Facebook with respectful evidence that Pennsylvanians do NOT consider this a good investment of their time or the money we pay them.
Phone call, email, Facebook. Tweet with hashtag #HowManyJobsDoesThisCreate Do it.
BTW, Daryl Metcalfe is on Twitter, too. So include him @DarylMetcalfe
The Committee Minority Chair, Babette Josephs, is also on Twitter. @BabetteJosephs
I’ll get you started.
Tweet this “Tues 3/13, PA House Cmtt votes on “marriage amendment” Will not create single job & will cost up to $1 million. #focusonrealissues Pls RT” and be sure to “@” them.
Let’s do this.
Caution – don’t be nasty on their facebook pages. that only hurts the cause. just be direct to remind their “fans” that they are spending time on this when the ticker on the unemployment checks keeps going and the potholes are opening up and so forth.
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