This Is How I’m Keeping Lesbian Blogging Alive According to Autostraddle

I am so thrilled to have been profiled by the lesbian media site Autostraddle, especially by a Pittsburgh based journalist.

Her blog is a living archive of nearly 20 years of LGBTQ history and struggle and culture and joy. It’s a place where the memories of the people who’ve had their lives cut short by violence live on, and it’s a record of the people who’ve fought for our rights — even when there have been setbacks. As for Sue, she’s healing, taking things one step at a time, and staying strong.

“I’m excited that I’m still here as a blogger,” she says. “I have received tremendous support and opportunities over the years. But at the end of the day, I’m a disabled queer blogger trying to keep my blog running with my $1200/month Social Security Disability Insurance income. That’s a precarious position. I’d like to secure enough funding to keep the blog sustainable. I’m not ready to retire, there’s work still to be done. I don’t want to be revered, I want to be resourced.”


I need as much media exposure as possible to ensure I can finance my legal battles, both of which revolve around my rights as a person with a mental health disability. I need to raise another $5000 at the least. People have been generous so I need to reach new dpotential donors.

It important to be clear – this blog has value to the community and should be preserved. But it also has value on the market and if I get my back against the wall over these legal cases, I will have to sell it. I don’t want to do that. But poverty does not allow much room for doing the noble thing.

I am really grateful to Autostraddle and Nico for such a flattering and thoughtful profile.


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