Erie PrideFest set for Saturday June 10

From the Erie Gay News: Saturday, June 10th Pride Erie Picnic Once again, the Pride Erie Picnic will be held at Presque Isle State Park at the Rotary Pavilion.We are back to having the Picnic on the traditional 2nd Saturday in June (June 10) and we will run from 1 PM to 6 PM (starts […]

Ohio’s “Marriage Amendment” Allows Another Abuser to Walk

Marriage may be safe in Ohio, but unmarried women aren't.  This past week, an appellate court overturned the conviction of an Ohio man convicted of domestic violence (a fourth degree felony) because he was not married to his victim.  The court found that the domestic violence sentence violates the constitutional amendment designed to protect marriage from […]

Political Junkie Calls Out Mike Pintek as Homophobe

HOMO? One of Pittsburgh's most creative political bloggers put up a nugget this morning about former KDKA talk radio personality Mike Pintek using the word “homo” while hosting a program on PCNC.  Pintek was discussing the use of South Park restrooms for sexual encounters among gay men.  According to Maria: Mike Pintek was the host […]

Pittsburgh Queer Performance: Steel Queer N’At BlowOUT Show

If you are looking for something to do this weekend, check this out: Steel Queer N'At BlowOUT Show at Pittsburgh Eagle June 2nd Doors open at 8:30, Show starts at 9pm. Tickets are $5 in advance, $8 at the door. ADVANCE TICKETS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. THIS SHOW WILL SELL OUT. Tickets are available at A Pleasant […]

Russian Gays Defy Homophobic Violence; Will March Again

These Russian gays are quite an intense bunch.  After facing brutality at the hands of the skinheads, the Russian Orthodox faithful and the police, they plan to rally again next year.  “The 27th of May has been for us so far an anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1993 in Russia. But the gay […]

AFA sets up Anti-Gay Ford Boycott Website

Our homo-bigot friends at the American Family Association have taken their gay hate campaign up a notch by setting up a website dedicated to boycotting Ford.  Because Ford hates freedom and is out to destroy the fabric of American families by selling cars to homosexuals. h/t to Feministing

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Will Support Gay Marriage

   From the New York Daily News.  Mayor Bloomberg landed another left on the right yesterday, coming out strongly in favor of gay marriage – and vowing the city will perform same-sex wedding ceremonies, if allowed. The Republican mayor used his weekly Sunday radio address on Memorial Day weekend to say he is “firmly opposed” […]

Allegheny County Police Continue to Target Gay Men

From Saturday's Post-Gazette comes word that the Allegheny County Police successfully prevented five gay men from having sex.  Or at least they successfully punished five men for having sex by arresting them.  Or somewhere in between. As we reported last week, these intrepid cops have been monitoring a men's bathroom on Corrigan Drive (the park's main drag […]

Lesbian Bloggers Denied Access to National Stonewall Democrats Conference

The Stonewall Democrats 2006 National Conference will take place right here in Pittsburgh this coming weekend, June 2-4.  Howard Dean will be the keynote speaker with Governor Rendell making an appearance on the last day of the conference. But you won't read about it here. Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents applied for press credentials to cover the conference.  […]

African-American Lesbian Blogger sets the bar high for gay blogs

Pam's House Blend is one of my daily absolute must-reads.  Her take on all things anti-gay, anti-black and anti-woman is smart, insightful and devastating.  I've borrowed her phrase “wingnuts” here and linked to her site more frequently that just about any other except the Post-Gazette.  The Washington Blade offers up a feisty look at what makes […]