Oh, those whacky Episcopalians — doing their best to drag Pennsylvania back into the Dark Ages. Up to bat this time is the Very Reverend Paul F. M. Zahl, dean of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.
Let me catch you up. This coming weekend, we'll see the election of a bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of California. Three of the seven candidates are gay! (emphasis mine). So a pro-homo vote could further alienate the church from the Anglican Communion. An anti-homo vote could preserve the union … for now.
Enter Reverend Zahl with a comparing “ the election of a gay bishop in California to “a terrorist bomb, which is timed to destroy a peace process.”
Nice, huh? This is the kind of hate-speak you expect from Jimmy Dobson and Jerry Falwell and the other right wing lunies skulking around looking for homo-trouble. I'm guessing Zahl has a man-crush on Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola, that bastion of Christian compassion and feels the need to bring the hatred back home to the good old USA.
The Human Rights Campaign and Integrity, the LGBT Episcopal caucus, are calling for an apology.
“Paul Zahl's comments comparing the election of a gay bishop to a 'terrorist bomb' is hate speech that has no place in any faith based discourse,” said Reverend Susan Russell, director of Integrity, the national gay and lesbian Episcopal caucus.
“Such language does nothing to advance our public discourse, does everything to further polarize and alienate and is antithetical to the love God calls us all to offer each other.”
Damn right, Reverend Susan. Zahl is yet another big Christian hypocrite who is using ugly divisive tactics to further his own agenda. He's on a witch hunt and, apparently, has no qualms about it.
If this is what passes for spiritual leadership in our lovely state, then we desperately need all the prayer we can get.