“Will of Council” on Anti-Discrimination Legislation Passes 7-0

From my ace source comes word that the legislation endorsing the statewide effort to include sexual orientation and gender identity/expression in the Human Relations Act passed 7-0.  Motznik and Payne weren't in the room and didn't vote. 

Deasy asked to be added as a cosponsor, offering that he was behind on his email as a reason for his delay in doing so.  Huh.

Now here's the interesting part.  Reverend Burgess voted in favor of the legislation because he's against discrimination AND because the bills have exemptions for religious entities.  Its awesome when the law meant to protect people from discrimination lays out who gets the freedom “to” discriminate.  Awesome.

I have a call into Dan Frankel's office for clarification on what those exemptions mean. More on that later.



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