I caught this letter to the editor Thursday and have no idea which strip used the term “homo” recently. Anyone?
I am writing to express my disgust that you would publish, in the comic section, a cartoon with well-known slur (homo: “Offensive slang for a gay or lesbian person,” American Heritage Dictionary) as part of the gag.
While the strip is mediocre and poorly drawn (like the cheapo cartoons seen in old UHF commercials in the '60s), mediocrity is not a reason to cancel a strip.
However, blatant offensiveness is and I would not be sorry to never see this kind of tripe again.
Bard Ermentrout
I confess that I typically read 1/3 of the comic strips. Mutts, For Better or For Worse, Peanuts, Sally Forth, Lio, the one with Danae, the one with the 7 or 8 brothers who are cops and football players, and the Born Loser. Oh and Blondie. On the weekends, I read Opus, Prince Valiant and Fox Trot. I miss Fox Trot in the dailies.
The constant switch in and out of new comics fatigues me. They are all about people with kids and not very original.
So, I didn't see the slur. Anyone catch it? I'd be interested to see it in context before I jump to conclusions (my favorite weekend hobby). 🙂