
There's something brewing in the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals this Wednesday and it is important for every LGBTQ person to pay attention. Brian Prowel is appealing a federal district decision stating that the discrimination he experienced in his workplace was due to sexual orientation which is not a federally protected class. Prowel and […]

Diversity Discussion at Podcamp Pittsburgh

The next Podcamp Pittsburgh is quickly approaching.  I tossed out the idea to Justin about a panel on diversity in Pittsburgh's blogosphere.  Then I tried to think of who I would ask to participate in that type of panel discussion. I came up with Greg from Pitt Rehab.  I know a handful of other queer bloggers, […]

Events to watch out for

Good information to have: In Sisterhood Pittsburgh has a long history of producing entrepreneurs, philanthropists, artists, and musicians. What is less well known is that the region was also the birthplace of some influential leaders of the women's movement and was home to several pioneering feminist organizations during the latter part of the 1900s. In […]

Local Women Organizing Palin Protest

If you are interested in channeling your anti-Palin energies into something productive, check out this grassroots efforts emerging from Pittsburgh's feminist community. WHEN: THIS SUNDAY September 28, 2008 HIGH NOON > WHERE: The Quiet Storm 5430 Penn http://www.quietsto rmcoffee. com/ > WHAT:You are being invited to the very first organizing meeting of the > Anti-Palin […]

Trib Article on Comics who are Women is Trite

William Loeffler's take on local female comics was more predictable than the fat joke he included in the sidebar.  You know you are in for the typical male bullshit interpretation of women's lives when the opening grafs focus on Gab Bonesso's looks.  Not her comedy.  Not her success.  Not her challenges, barriers, issues, personality, education, […]

Chris Potter shares a fascinating glimpse into Carpatho-Rusyn culture in this week's City Paper. Two things struck me.  First, there's the notion of an ethnicity without a nationality as the Rusyns aren't really from anywhere.  Kind of like the Roma.  Minus the hate.  Second, there is the idea of building “postmodern culture” which balances tradition […]

I don’t wanna blog about Clay Aiken

Clay Aiken came out.  On the cover of People magazine.  I know a lot of folks are rolling their eyes, but I've been thinking about all those middle aged ladies who like to listen to Clay.  People tend to idealize their cultural heros, so I'm suspecting a lot of “Christian” wimmin are spinning him from scary […]

It is a blogging date …

Well, I'm soon off for my Vacation Day 2 Adventure — a much delayed, highly anticipated “coffee” with Bram of The Pittsburgh Comet. We are meeting at Amani International Coffeehouse on the Northside. Amani is in between webpages, so I can't post a working link.  I have been rah-rahhing Steel City Stonewall to hold an […]

ACLU Banned Book Week: Gay Penguins Top List

Oh, those naughty little penguins and their homosexual desires.  I know this post is going to attract at least 37 google searches desperate to identify a homosexual tidbit about a professional hockey player, but I am referring to “And Tango Makes Three” which topped the charts of the book most often challenged in school and […]

McCain’s Chief of Staff Openly Gay

One of our favorite bloggers has just reported that John McCain's Chief of Staff, Mark Buse, is an openly gay man. Mike Rogers has the details.  After I finish shuddering that yet another talented queer person is lending themselves to a virulently anti-gay agenda, I'll be with you.  Western Pennsylvania was home to two of […]