We caught her latest comedy show the other night. It was called “The Mentally Ill Comedy Show” and I'm not sure if I violated my social work code of ethics by attending, but the biting social commentary and zippy anti-hate-fest jokes balanced it all out. For me. Plus, I actually got a table and my beverage was refilled three times (it was Coke, calm down).
Host John McIntire demonstrated why off-the-cuff suits this well-dressed fan of the local homos. He handles hecklers, admirers and sloshy drunks with aplomb and moves on. Plus, he was nattily dressed in a suit with a pink tie and had some good new material (new to me at least). My personal opinion is that John is at his intellectual and funny best when he is directly playing off other people (a la talk show or cabaret) because he is so friggin fast on his feet. I miss John the talk show host even as I enjoy laughing along with John the comedian.
Davon was new to me comedian. I don't know where he came from, but his timing and delivery indicate lots of hard work. He was the token non-gay comedian. I would pay to go see him headline. He is also now BFF's with Ledcat because of the snappy Batman baseball cap I picked up for her. At Target. You are welcome, Davon. Does BFF mean you'll friend us on Facebook and invite us to your next show?
Stoopid works the dayshift at The Square Cafe and serves a mean glass of juice. His delivery was the perfect juxtaposition to Davon … more laid back and slow and very funny. I was impressed at his deft delivery on the gay material. He wears controversial material well and I'm looking forward to seeing him again.
John Pridmore is one of my new Facebook friends. What I like bestest about John is that he responded to my call for people to contact their County Councilpersons about the upcoming ordinance vote. Then, I discovered he can imitate Edith Bunker. Imitate in a sick, perverted way. Plus, he was fine when I corrected his 1970's pop culture reference (Edith was not raped on the subway. She was nearly raped in her house. She saved herself. Edith's friend, female impersonator Beverly Lasalle, was murdered during a mugging on the show in one of the most powerful TV episodes ever). I believe that John is the reincarnation of my deceased friend (also gay, also named John) because the first time I saw him, I was blown away by the same energy they share. My John would never get on stage, but he was sidesplitting with impersonations. So, John, you are on my radar. 🙂
What can I say that hasn't been said before about Ms. Gab Bonesso? She's real funny. She's going to emcee the upcoming Big Queer Rally. She made me squirm in my seat. I'm hoping for a chance to see more of her gay themed material although someone who tells abortion and labia jokes is pretty up there on the charts of edgy humor. Plus, she did Wolverine which should be on YouTube it is so fucking funny. YouTube it, Gab. Keep putting these shows together and make sure you do full sets because I like seeing your new stuff. Go to http://www.gabbonesso.com for a daily update on the life and times of Gab Bonesso, her BFF Phinny the great white shark and the other members of her motley crew, including lover Joe Biden. Yeah, Gab hooked up with Joe Biden. It seemed weird at first, but he looks kind of cute carrying Phinny around.
In short, a great show. I left feeling slightly violated but in a good way.