On December 10, 2008, I sent a series of follow up questions to Deputy Chief of Staff Kristen Baginski, who had promised to procure some information for me during the Q/A meeting about the Mayor's GLBT Advisory Committtee. See earlier post for details.
On February 25, 2009, I received the following response from the Mayor's team. Note that the name has changed: it is now the LGBT Advisory Panel.
The change to LGBT is an understandable attempt to be more culturally sensitive. The change from committee to panel? Just another question to be answered.
Sue – There is nothing new to report re the LGBT advisory panel. We’re getting ready to choose the panel – once that happens we will have the inaugural meeting. Charles Morrison, the head of the City’s Human Relations Commission will be monitoring the process to make sure the panel is representative of the community.
Joanna Doven
Press Secretary
Office of Mayor Luke Ravenstahl
414 Grant St. Pittsburgh, PA15219
(cell) 412-475-2387
I never asked if there was anything new to report; I was interested in the old questions from December about the selection and nomination process. The information about Charles Morrison is interesting and I immediately sent him an email. His hands are probably tied, but it is interesting that he's been brought in to ensure representation.
I'll be frank with you. It will be fascinating to see how far the progressive elements working on the campaign have managed to push the Mayor in terms of breaking up with his gay white male business owner trifecta. If the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force is going to give the Kerry Stoner Award to Peter Karlovich and Steven Hereforth (see comments in previous post — it has been confirmed), there is clearly no real fallout or accountability for “pay for play” or potential criminal conduct. So why not include them on the advisory panel? These men are untouchable. He has nothing to lose.
Pure dazzlement, dahling, and merely a hint of the excitement in store on March 4, 2009, when the Pittsburgh Public Theater rings up the curtain on “The World Goes 'Round,” a knockout revue of the music of Kander and Ebb, whose Broadway blockbusters have lit up the Great White Way for decades. All to benefit the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, which continues to provide medical, legal, housing and other vital services to those battling HIV/AIDS.
The hot numero of chic wining, dining and showtime will also bestow the Kerry Stoner award on long-time PATF supporters Peter Karlovich and Steve Herforth, the great guys who've turned their magnificent Mt. Washington manse into Party Central for countless fundraisers.
At the very heart of it was the indomitable Dolores Bold who's chairing the Broadway bash with dear friends (and cocktail party hosts) Dr. Elliott Kramer and Bill Modrak — a threesome who define all that is elegant; PATF director Kathi Boyle; Robin Fernandez; Richard Parsakian (he designed the gorgeous ambience!); Joe Salandra and Jennifer Grafe; Nachum Golan and Steve Hough; Dr. Larry Leahy; Faye Sampson and Dennis Huber; Dr. Paul Hennigan and Colleen; Jan and Ernie Meade; Joanie and Sam Kamin; Stacy Weiss and Will Carpenter; Judy and Katherine Krause; Mary McVay and son Tim; Beth and Michael Kuhn; Violet and Judge Bob Gallo; Colleen Travis; Stephanie Bozic; Sue Zitelli; Kitty Gleason; and Gordon Fisher with Wes Scott.
Peter J. Ennis, Esq., President
Mary Frances Dean, Esq., Vice President of Development
Reverend Brenda Gregg, Vice President of Programs & Board Development
Regina Vercilla, Secretary
Vernon H. Carter, Treasurer
Kevin J. Altomari
Jay Blackford
Gwyn Cready
Chip Eagle, Esq.
Steven Herforth
Mary Irwin-Scott
Clarisse Jordan
Robert Kmetz
Elliott J. Kramer, DPM
Rob LePre
Daniel Mathews, CPA
Rev. Dr. James McLemore
Timothy McVay, Esq.
Janice Meade
Thomas Mills, MD, MPH
Erika Mullenbach, Esq.
Neil Parham
The Honorable Tonya Payne
Christopher Robinson, MSW
Wesley B. Scott
Ruth Smith
Richard J. Voller
Way to go PATF. Nothing prevents the transmission of HIV like pornography, prostitution and poppers. Kerry Stoner would be so proud of those front page articles becoming part of his legacy.
This was announced months ago. They can't take it back. What do you suggest they do?
The act of sex or for that matter a bath house doesn't promote the spread of HIV and AIDS.
UNPROTECTED SEX DOES!!! If we are going to say that the bath house promotes HIV and AIDS then we must say EVERY porn store, Schenley Park fruit loop, websites like gay.com, manhunt, craigslist, adam 4 adam and the phone lines in the back of City Paper promote the same.
At least at the bath house they provide a clean SAFE place and promote safe sex, HIV and AIDS testing, Syphilis testing as well as provide FREE condoms all over the place.
This is not about the place…its about the irresponsible behavior of not protecting ones self against this horrible disease.
As far as the poppers go. Peter and Stephen didn't put the poppers to this guys nose and tell him to smell them. Poppers are OBVIOUSLY legal cause the sell them at every porn store in Pittsburgh, ALL over the net, and at some bars in the city. Where does personal responsibility come in?
Gay men have sex. So do heterosexual couples and lesbians. Why do we have to vilify people for having sex. This is a part of human nature. People should no way put their “values” on other people. We as a community don't want the religious right wingers to put their values on us…but we are telling some in our own community that they are different then our morals or values.
Values and morals are a personal choice…and I would hate to think that we want to tell others in our community you must adapt to 1 set of values or morals.
Sue. I have enjoyed reading your blog but I have to say that you have started down a slippery slope. You need to use your talent to UNITE this community. Your post and your readers feedback have gone from productive to inflammatory and even slanderous. Use the talent you have to UNITE our community. Use your talent to PROMOTE change…but remember that things won't happen over night.
Thanks for listening
Sue, do you ever wonder if you might be wrong about all of your various criminal accusations over the years?
I mean it could be possible, that you could be wrong about something?
However, I guess U, just like all of your like-minded anonymous posters, must have all kinds of “super secret sources” that lay out the “conspiracy”?
I'm wondering if you are going to start attacking the Opera and various Theater Groups.
Or is your goal only to defund BGLT public health organizations?
This post is my own personal opinion. It does not in any way reflect the views of http://www.steel-city.org or the views of Steel-City Stonewall Democrats.
Sue…looks like you should wait until you know all the facts before accusing people of killing someone!