Milk Wins for Best Original Screenplay

Dustin Lance Black won for his original screenplay for the film, Milk.  This is the text of his original acceptance speech. 

“Oh my God, this was not an easy film to make. I have to thank all the real life people who shared their stories with me… When I was 13 years old my beautiful mother and father moved me from a conservative Mormon home in San Antonio, Texas to California and I heard the story of Harvey Milk. And it gave me hope, hope to live my life, gave me the hope to live my life openly as who I am. And maybe even I can fall in love and get married. I want to thank my Mom who always loved me for who I am even when there was pressure not to. If Harvey had been alive today, I think he'd want me to say to all the gay and lesbian kids out there that have been told that they are less than by their churches, their government or their families that they are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon I promise you, you will have equal rights, federally, across this great nation of ours”

Video at Good As You.


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