How gay-friendly is AAA?

Four years ago, I added Laura to my AAA membership.  I called, shared her information – including our relationship status – and paid the additional fee (same process as my Dad adding my Mom to his account).  We've used repeatedly over the years; she's used it more oftenn than I for travel purposes.  So I […]

Dok Harris – the lesbian interview

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I sat down to chat with Dok Harris in his DIY-themed campaign office in Oakland, hipply located under the former home of Phantom in the Attic comic store, but it sure wasn't a gentle reproof that I was slurping a Starbucks frappucino in lieu of a home-brewed […]

Update on ENDA/Episcopals

Here's the status of where Pennsylvania's House delegation stands on an Inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. UPDATED AS OF 7-23-09 6:30pm; In this column:  Definite Yes Probable Yes Total Yes Unconfirmed Probable No Definite No Notes PENNSYLVANIA               Robert A. Brady  x           […]

Gagging a local blogger: Homophobic attacks threaten Pgh blogger’s employment

Back in May, local blogger Kira knew he would be stirring up controversy when he began a local blog compiling the media coverage of West Mifflin School District Superintendent, Patrick Risha.  Risha has been front and center in a controversy over renewing the contract of the girl's basketball coach which brought to light allegations that […]

American Apparel defends Gay Identity

Story from the Washington City Paper.  I hear lots of complaints from local folks, especially women, about American Apparel's pretty sexist ads in the local City Paper.  This week, hooligans targeted a couple of local American Apparel stores over the stores’ prominent “Legalize Gay” T-Shirt displays. On Monday, a window at the Silver Spring location […]

Local coverage of GLSEN youth event

This past weekend, GLSEN hosted a conference for LGBTQ youth.  They received nice coverage from the City Paper  The intriguing part of the article is the resiliancy and determination of the children to improve the quality of life for their fellow LGBTQ classmates. Chess, a Hickory High School senior from Mercer County's Hermitage School District, […]

LGBT Family Friendly Picnic

The GLCC and the Lambda Foundation of Pittsburgh are sponsoring a family friendly picnic at North Park on Sunday, August 9, 2009.  Hopefully, you are planning to go, especially those of you who have been clammoring for more family friendly activities and events for you and the children in your family.  At $20/family, it is […]

Gay Friendliness at PNC Park

Today, Ledcat and I went to PNC Park with a a lesbian couple with whom we've been friends for many years.  I had won the tickets via Twitter courtesy of Pittsburgh Magazine.  We had a nice picnic lunch with plenty of vegetarian options for the Sarahs.  Our seats were sunny and just fine. PNC Park […]

NetRoots Nations and local new social media

So this big conference of progressive blogging folk is coming to town in August and I am working with the Lambda Foundation and the LGBT Blogging Initiative to organize a big ole gay welcome reception. Between the Warhol and Pegasus, a good time will be had by 2,000 people or more.  I helped Lambda set […]

Postings from the coffeehouse

I've been a bit distracted this week so I'll try to recap some of the high (and low) lights for you … Spoke with Dok Harris' campaign manager, Michael. Dok is very interested in working with the LGBT community.  He has completed the Steel City Stonewall survey which I hope will be posted on their website […]