Steel City Stonewall Endorsements for November 3, 2009

Attached below, there is a copy you can print out and take with you to the polls on Tuesday. VOTE NOVEMBER 3rd 2009!!! It is critical that progressive people get out and vote this year!!! Statewide Judicial races dominate this year's elections. We all have seen in California, Massachusetts, & Vermont state courts play a […]

Breaking: Pegasus to Close

Wow, this is incredible news.  The remaining fixture of Pittsburgh's gay nightclub scene is closing on December 6, 2009. “Back when the Pegasus Lounge first opened, it was a safe haven for gay people to be themselves and meet others with like-minded interests without the worry of being hassled,” said Noxon, 49, who has owned […]

ROTC and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

“The way to resolve these inconsistencies,” she said, “is to permit gays and lesbians to serve in the military.” Today's Post-Gazette reprints a New York Times article on the banning of ROTC from campuses such as Harvard in response to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy which in effect bans openly gay men and women […]


Pat Downey of Squirrel Hill calls a bigot power move like she sees it.  It has even created a new church structure to receive disaffected Anglicans — read, those who cannot tolerate their church's ordination of women and the election of openly gay bishops. That the Vatican is bending “sacred rules” to welcome these bigots […]

Blog Block

I downloaed IE 8.0 and highly suggest you do NOT do the same.  Arrrgggg.  I cannot cut and paste.  How is a blogger supposed to maintain without cut and pasteability?  The intensity of this week is off the charts.  Ledcat is imposing a mandatory stay home and watch television rule tonight to slow things down […]

Update from Lesbian Central

What a busy, busy week.  Ledcat and I taped a segment for the Post-Gazette's “Omnivore” podcast with Mackenzie Carpenter on Tuesday.  It is up on the PG+ site now.  Being in the PG newsroom was quite heady for a geek like me.  Dennis Roddy recognized my name.  That's like Mr. Spock knowing a Trekkie's actual […]

“Homosexual”: Sometimes you just have to have a conversation

During Monday's evening newscast on KDKA, sports reporter Jory Rand covered the story about Larry Johnson's use of homophobic slurs. Johnson plays foortball for the Kansas City Chiefs. The episode began Sunday night, when Johnson questioned Coach Todd Haley's football credentials on his Twitter account. He used the slur during an exchange with one of […]

Don’t vote for Joan Orie Melvin … here’s why

This is somewhat breathtaking … Judge Orie Melvin dissented from an en banc Superior Court decision in Thierfelder v. Wolfert, 978 A.2d 361 (Pa. Super. May 19, 2009), which held that when a physician is providing specific treatment for psychological problems, and has a sexual relationship with the patient, if that sexual relationship directly causes […]

It iS saTurDAY

So much to review and comment upon … the weeks just fly by these days.  I have become a devote of The Today Show.  I used to be an avid morning NPR listener, but one day I clicked on the television and Harry n Maggie won my heart.  I don't know why. Is it middle […]

Tom Michalow events

Tom got the Post-Gazette endorsement. Also .. Hi Everyone, Tomorrow night the Bellvue Chamber of Commerce is holding a Meet the Candidates night at Bellvue Elementary School this is going to be an important night in this highly contested race because this is a bi-partisan event and we want to have a good showing to […]