I just haven't had a blogging frame of mind this week. Things have been happening, though.
NY government voted “no” on marriage equality.
The Catholic Church says gays and transvestites will never enter the Kingdom of God. (h/t Pam's House Blend)
In North Versailles, some jerk punched a Wal-Mart greeter in what is termed a “random” incident. Not very random to the 72-year old man who ended up at the Presby ER and with a broken set of dentures. I wonder if the company will help him replace the dentures? Who does this sort of thing?
Ledcat coined the phrase “rude ass” to describe ignorant people who join you at your coffee house sofa and put their feet up on the table where your drink/food are located. Sounds good to me.
Alex Keaton's mom, Meredith Baxter, is a lesbian. I had a huge crush on her when she was on Family. OK, that was two years ago when I got the DVDs. Shut up.
Georgia elects the first openly lesbian African-American state legislator.
My favorite weeknight holiday activity? Well, watching classic holiday shows. Then, I like to watch this video and see how many people I recognize and if I can remember all of the words.
ABC has now cancelled Adam Lambert three times. Meanwhile, Chris Brown gets to be on 20/20. Cause beating up your girlfriend is way less awful than being homosexual. Way. I am so glad that I don't get ABC and can't be another set of eyes fueling their ratings. Such homophobic bullshit. Even Ellen called them out on the hypocritical double standards.
Are you following me on Twitter? @pghlesbian24 I'll be at Bill Peduto's shindig tomorrow evening from which I will be sure to tweet.
Oh, and this week's episode of SisterShout features Handmade Arcade, a DIY festival of funness and holiday crafty goodness. They are giving away a tee shirt and an Early Bird pass (can you say swag bag?) through the SS weekly raffle. Follow the show on Twitter @sistershoutshow or on Facebook to get yourself eligible!