Random Things of Interest

Found this on the Post-Gazette website:

I'm curious what the pro-gay sentiments were.  Does this mean the borrower was perceived as gay or perceived as gay-friendly?  I'm trying to think what I'd take into my decision-making if someone asked for change for a meter. I doubt I would assess their political beliefs, probably lending $$ to someone sporting an anti-choice button or some such paraphenalia.  What about you?

The Daily Courier (part of the Tribune Review family) has a gay-positive story on a local man's second place finish in Mr. Gay USA contest.  Kudos to Troy Michael Smith for having a great attitude.

He sees the Mr. Gay USA competition as a steppingstone to his ultimate goal — equality. “We're looking for someone to stand up and be the new leader. Start with smaller cities and build to bigger cities. I'm ready for that push. I'm ready for that fight. I'm ready to make that change here. I always look for a challenge.”

Smith wants to start a gay/straight alliance in Connellsville “to say discrimination is wrong, to bring all people together. I am striving for equality and will get that for the LGBT community. I'm ready to take that on.”

I'm torn on this one.  On the one hand, he wants to use his position for good, albeit a naive one. On the other, it is a beauty pageant.  Is it realistic that a swimsuit competition will give rise to the next great gay leader?  Is it realistic to think there will be one leader anyway?  Hmmm.

Bilerico's take on the Top 10 LGBTQ stories of 2009.

I'm not sure I knew there was an openly gay superhero?

Sigh. Charlie Sheen's arrest for domestic violence INCREASED viewership of a rerun of his show. 

A little woman-positive shout out: Sarah Thomas made history as the first woman to officiate a bowl game.

Finally, Maria has a very amusing post on the Ravenstahl Inauguration.  Who says Luke doesn't support women in Pittsburgh?


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