I'm very pleased that Steel-City Stonewall Democrats are on the search for a volunteer to focus solely on social media. I've been working on this project with other local LGBT social media users and really want to applaud the group for embracing these tools to support their mission. The job description is also attached to this post as a Word document that you can circulate.
This is a concrete way someone who has social media experience and a desire to be part of the solution can get involved. There are also opportunities for folks to serve as “aggegrators” to help keep the organization's followers, fans and tweeps well informed on issues related to the group's mission. What an excellent opportunity for Pittsburgh!
Please repost this information.
Volunteer Description: Social Media Editor for
Steel-City Stonewall Democrats, a chapter of the national Stonewall Democrats, is looking for an experienced social media user to coordinate social media activities for the organization. This position will require daily monitoring of political and LGBT information on a local, statewide and national level and the dissemination of this information to the members of the Steel-City Stonewall chapter. Steel-City Stonewall is a regional chapter of a National organization with over 90 chapters and offers a unique opportunity to engage individuals at a grassroots level to be involved with the LGBT movement and the political process.
This position will require daily monitoring of political and LGBT information on a local,statewide and national level and the dissemination of this information to the
members of the Steel City Stonewall chapter. The editor will recruit and oversee
volunteer aggregators who will feed relevant information to the editor to be reviewed and filtered by the editor for dissemination. Aggregators can include members of the organization as well as allies. Posting to Twitter/Facebook/related feeds twice
daily on weekdays and once daily on weekends. ** Can be shared duty. Monitoring
comments section of blog to ensure compliance with guidelines.
The editor will chair a social media committee and attend board meetings on a
bimonthly basis to coordinate projects with the organization leadership. S/he will maintain regular contact with the Executive Committee as well as the board liaison to the committee. The board will make themselves available to provide guidance as needed.
Posting priorities will be coordinated by the board. For example, if the board
identifies a critical race, the status updates should educate followers on relevant
mainstream media and blog coverage of said race. The individual should have experience using social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Flicker among others and be able to commit to 5 hours per week with primary duties during weekday hours.
The editor will recruit and oversee volunteer aggregators who will feed relevant information to the editor to be filtered for dissemination. Aggregators can include members of the organization as well as allies.
Responsibilities will include:
- Reviewing aggregated information as submitted by volunteers.
- Posting to Twitter/Facebook/related feeds at least twice daily on weekdays and once daily on weekends. ** Can be shared duty.
- Monitoring comments section of blog to ensure compliance with guidelines.
- Recruiting social media volunteers to support this project and supervising their delegated projects.
- Maintaining confidentiality of the SCSD membership list
Interested persons should contact Lance Friedman at lance@steel-city.org Please provide links to your twitter feed, blog and/or facebook page for review.
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