Picked up a few tidbits about ENDA today while I was in the waiting room at the vet. (She's fine — needs antibiotics and a little diet switch).
The DC Agenda (formerly the Washington Blade) is reporting that Pelosi expects a vote soon. The critical issue is sex specific Democratic Senators. Good news? None of them are from Pennsylvania, both of whom cosponsor the legislation. Bad news? You need to start emailing/facebooking/tweeting your friends in these states and figure out how to spur them to take a little action.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she thinks a floor vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act will happen “soon” and the committee of jurisdiction is working hard to have a strong bill.
Asked by DC Agenda during her weekly press conference what’s preventing the bill from coming to the House floor as well as when she expects a vote, Pelosi said the House Education & Labor Committee is working hard to “have the strongest possible bill” and she believes a floor vote “will be soon.”
Congressman Barney Frank has some positive advice. Make some calls. Here's where the pressure needs to focus in the Senate.
Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas
Ben Nelson of Nebraska
Tim Johnson of South Dakota
Kay Hagan of North Carolina
Evan Bayh of Indiana
Robert Byrd of West Virginia.
Six votes between you and more equality (regardless of your sexual orientation, my dear reader). Surely, you know someone in one of these six states. College roomie. Sibling. In-law. Coworker. Penpal. Now's the time to shoot 'em an email and ask for a phone call.
Rest assured. Be very assured. The wingnuts are going to hit Capitol Hill at full force. We can't afford to wait.
Speaking of which CBS has a stinker of a story up and running. Ick.