I have a new obsession. It is getting healthy. I've been using the Wii Fit Plus and a website http://www.sparkpeople.com to improve my fitness, nutrition and overall well-being. The results have been great so far.
– no soda/pop since May (with the occasional ginger ale if my stomach is icky)
– I've lost 29 pounds
– I've consistently exercised 3-4 times per week and have graduated to a new Wii program, EA Sports Active that is REALLY HARD
– I have been very good about drinking 8 glasses of water a day
– I have faced down all sorts of temptations and managed pretty well. Except for the twinkie, but I got right back on the horse.
Change is difficult, but so rewarding. Change also means sacrifices of time. Hence, the lack of blogging. Well, that's only partially true. Yes, I have less time, but I have also enjoyed the break. It has been like a mental health release to not be locked into a singular identity for a few months. I admit that I created my own situation and I'm really proud of what we've accomplished, but this blog has taken a hard turn toward all politics, all the time which isn't a real reflection of who I am.
I'm certainly not going to stop blogging, but I am going to blog differently. I guess you'll have to tune in to see what that means.
Now I'm off to read a book and relax before bed. I have to prepare myself to ache tomorrow when today's new workout kicks in. Ouch.