Gay Activism and Government Crackdowns Live On in Russia.
The GLCC has a new movie night. $2. Popcorn. More info here.
More debate on the impending promised vote to repeal DADT. Some, like Pam Spaulding, aren't buying it. Others fear it may be the last chance to do anything before we lose the Congress to the Republicans. I'm sort of the the Dems aren't doing such a hot job anyway mentality. Which I know according to some makes me the enemy. But I didn't fail. I rallied the troops for over four years. I laid out background information and contact information and general information. Don't bring the “if you aren't with us, you are against us” aka social conservative Democrat position crap to me.
The pissing contest about who gets credit for this potential vote is pretty funny. Lady Gaga staged a PR bonanza (wearing meat nonetheless) at the VMA awards with a powerful statement for the repeal of DADT then “exchanged tweets with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid” … for God's sake. Let's just make some calls. Casey and Specter are on board as of my last peek.
That's it for tonight. Flexing the blogging muscles takes some time … and there's so much to digest … new City websites, parking plans, preservation debacles, the failure to remove the tree stump in front of my house and on and on and on.