White House Kicks Off LGBT Focused Conferences in Philadelphia

Again from the Blade: The White House announced on Friday it plans to host a series of LGBT conferences throughout the country in early 2012 so the public can “hear directly” from the administration on efforts “to ensure health, well-being, security, justice, and equality for LGBT Americans.” In a statement, the White House identified the White […]

Housing Discrimination Protections from HUD

From the Washington Blade: HUD is set to unveil final regulations that will protect up to 43% of Americans with regard to access to HUD subsidized programs, from rental vouchers to mortgage programs. Most interesting: During a news conference in January 2011, Donovan said the rule also requires applicants seeking federal housing grants to comply […]

Cynthia Nixon is Entitled To Her Own Identity

People. Shrieking and pulling apart Cynthia Nixon’s comments about bisexuality and gay is just tiresome. Relax. The world will not end because Cynthia Nixon has experienced and reacted to biphobia within the LGBTQ community. Guess what? We are biphobic. I can name at least a dozen women I know who have made repeated disparaging comments […]

Dallastown, PA GSA Attracts Critics, Supporters for Showing “Out in the Silence”

Seems like a former schoolboard member of the Dallastown School District is up in arms over a screening of “Out In The Silence” sponsored by the Dallastown Gay Straight Alliance. Former Dallastown school board member Carroll Tignall is trying to rally concerned residents to attend because he believes the district is being “covert” in promoting […]

Ohio Gym Denies Family Membership to Gay Vet

Another example of not practicing what we preach when it comes to our vets. Coty May served and injured in Iraq. He’s back home in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio with his husband, Shane. Coty needs to use a local gym for rehab. He can’t work. Shane is his caretaker. To go to the gym with him, […]

Guest Blogging?

Well, why not? My recent heady experience of receiving one comment on my Bilerico post made me realize I should open things up here a bit and get some other voices. So I’d like to invite you to submit a guest post. It can be a one time post. It can be recurrent. It can […]

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]

I am Team Bilerico

OK, well that’s a bit of an overstatement.  Here’s my official bio. I like the aesthetic touch of my neighbors step ladder in the background. Very lesbian. Even if he is a straight white guy who does most of our odd jobs. Still … But I was pretty pleased when Bil Browning mentioned that I […]

My Debute on Bilerico … Sue and Rick Santorum: Yep, I’m the Lesbian Who Got Away

Rick Santorum internship

Today my first contribution to The Bilerico Project has been published. Thanks, Rick. And thanks to Bil and team for welcoming me on board.

Keystone/GayLife Newsletter Accepting LGBT of the Year Nominations

We’ve been repeatedly nominated and honored to be named “Lesbian of the Year” in 2010. Please make your nominations. If you are a fan of this blog, you  can nominate us for “Lesbian of the Year” “GLBT Person of the Year” or “Favorite GLBT Media Publication” — it would be awesome to see a blog […]