NaBlogPoMo: The End Is Nigh

Today is the final day of my month long odyssey, National Blog Post Month. My goal was to post every day for the month of January. Success! It is great to meet a goal. Energizing, even?

Manager of Bar Where Alleged Queer Bashing Happened Needs to Talk With Police, Not Survivors

This caught my eye in a City Paper blog post about the recent alleged queer bashing at Margaritaville on the South Side. At least one other in the group suffered minor injuries and an employee of the bar was also injured but not hospitalized, according to Brad Rizzo, the bar’s manager, according to PLCB records. […]

NaBloPoMo: Ben Franklin

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Benjamin Franklin said, “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Do you agree or disagree? Second to last day in my month long journey. NaBloPoMo is up for February (love and sex) but I am going to take a break in part due to having some other tasks that need my attention […]

Will trans* scouts and parents be protected?

Detail from a 1970 Norman Rockwell painting

Can I just say, as a former Boy Scout, that Jen rocks hard? And so do all of the other people putting pressure on the Boy Scouts? As far as I’m concerned, there have always been gay or transgendered Boy Scouts. We were the ones sewing our own sashes and pressing our own creases in […]

CALL TO ACTION!! Help Bring Equality to the BSA!!!

You may have heard the exciting news that the Boy Scouts of America is considering lifting the National LGBT ban!! Finally! Well where there is equality, there are hate groups. They are spewing their hate all over the BSA! But, you can help! The BSA has set up a hotline to hear ALL opinions on […]

Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse Just Yet

Two huge national stories are almost sort of kind of breaking. Chick-fil-A has promised not to fund hate with their corporate profit. The Boy Scouts might stop requiring discrimination based on sexual orientation – it will be optional.  I am not being a smartass. I’m being deliberately skeptical because both of these organizations have stepped […]

NaBloPoMo: It Sucks Up My Energy When You Don’t Believe Me

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 What reoccurring thought uses up a lot of your mental energy? This theme ties very nicely into an ongoing discussion I’ve been having on Facebook about being gay bashed. THAT is a thought which consumes a lot of my mental energy. Not in an obsessive think about it with anxiety every […]

LGBT Rally

Yesterday I bundled up and attended a rally for two women who self-described themselves as studs, and who were allegedly assaulted inside a South Side bar. The crowd that turned out was diverse, which is a good thing. I’m not naive to think that there still isn’t some separation between the black LGBT community and the white […]

Do You Hear the People Sing? Pittsburgh’s Latest LGBTQ Rally

Yesterday, we attended a rally to support survivors of an alleged assault that took place at a bar on Pittsburgh’s South Side. A small group of queer women reported that they were at Margaritaville, accosted by a group of six men and two of them were physically assaulted. Their crime? Being self-identified “studs” which they […]

NaBloPoMo: Oh My … Almost Didn’t Make It Edition

Wow … such a busy day that I haven’t had time to post. Today, Ledcat and I went to the South Side to participate in the rally in response to recent incidents of violence against LGBTQ women at a local bar. More on that tomorrow. It is a great example of where you get energy […]