As some of you may already know, the Boy Scouts of America have sent out a survey to their registered members via email. From what I have been told the email is a series of questions asking your opinions about the anti-gay policy and sometimes including hypothetical questions such as this:

Click photo to sign our petition.
“Johnny, a first grade boy, has joined Tiger Cubs with his friends. Johnny’s friends and their parents unanimously nominate Johnny’s mom, who is known by them to be lesbian, to be the den leader. Johnny’s pack is chartered to a church where the doctrine of that faith does not teach that homosexuality is wrong. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for his mother to serve as a den leader for his Cub Scout den?” (By the way, I totally think that question is about me and my son!)
So here are some issues I have with this:
- Just how many doggone polls/surveys/questionnaires do they need to do? Read about that here.
- How “unbiased” are these surveys going to be?? Sure some people are vocal, no matter what, but I can’t help but believe, that many people are still fearful of the wrath of the BSA when it comes to being an LGBT or ally. These questions are being sent via email, so they KNOW who you are. How many people will say what they think the BSA wants to hear for fear of retaliation??
- Do they really care or even read the results? Is this just a ruse to make it seem like they are taking what people really want into consideration? I mean, they have already done a phone bank, been sent countless emails and tweets, heard from 1.4 million people in petitions that I personally helped hand deliver to BSA Head Quarters on February 4th. See that delivery here. Geez!
Personally, I think the BSA needs to quit stalling. There is no conceivable way, in my opinion, that they do not know they are on the wrong side of history on this. Either get with the times or fizzle into obsolescence BSA!
- First of all if you haven’t joined Scouts For Equality, do that! They have up to date petitions numbers, links, and news for all things related to BSA’s discriminatory policy! You can also find links to all of our petitions here. You don’t have to be a scout to join!
- If you are a person who has refused to let your child participate in the BSA because of this policy, call your local pack/troop/council and let them know. Tell them your family will be happy to join if the ban is lifted. Just click here, enter your zip to find your local chapter, and make the call.
- Are you a member of a church, business, or group that would love to sponsor a Boy Scout pack/troop that is INCLUSIVE?? Call your local chapter and let them know that!! Click here to enter your zip and find your local chapter.
- GLAAD has been a strong vehicle in the push for BSA inclusiveness. Countless hours and resources have been designated to seeing this dream become a reality. Please consider making a donation to help us continue to fund this dream.
This has been a long and painstaking journey for all involved. I must remain hopeful that equality will prevail. Thank you to all who have been supportive along the way! Equality is something everyone should fight for!
“You must never be fearful when what you are doing is right” ~Rosa Parks~
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Jen_Tyrrell Go get em’ gurl! Are we still going to see you at the Cbus rally on the 23rd?
jgpackard -We aren’t going to be on the bus, but we will be in DC to get hitched!
Jen_Tyrrell All right!! Congrats! I should prob quit shortening Columbus to Cbus now that it has another meaning! March 23rd rally?? lol
jgpackard -I will be there too!
Just saw you on CNN. First, nice plug for the blog! Thank you for doing that! It’s how I found this! Second, YOU GO MOM! Hats off to you for being an awesome mom and standing up for your son’s rights to have his mother as a Den Leader AND for the rights of all! This gay-straight crap in the scouts and other orgs is just old. It’s time to come into the 2000’s people! My son isn’t in the scouts (yet.. he’s five), but I really hope to see change happen in the group. It’s time to see people as people, period. The scouts (and groups like it) should be leading the way for equality. People need to live life as who they are! (I kind of feel like Oprah saying that… lol).
@Ivy from UnscriptedLife @JenniferTyrrell Ivy – allies standing up to the Scouts are essential to the policy changing. It certainly isn’t only an #LGBTQ issue – allies standing alongside Jen’s family and others will be important. The Scouts don’t want to “lose” you …
Thank you Ivy! I really hope the Boy Scouts make the right decision in May. Kids are suffering from this dreadful policy!!
Jen_Tyrrell Thanks for Rts! You have comments of FB and this blog post! Can u respond today? Yeah!
PghLesbian24 -Yes I would love to respond! I am at dentisy w/Cruz right now! Lol
Jen_Tyrrell ok! The fb post is under “comments by others” not the main feed.
All I keep thinking is, why another survey? They will not stop until the get the results that support their despicable policy. Let’s not give them those results.
SURVEY SAYS- Change the policy BSA,