We’ll be participating in the second annual GAYla event at the Pittsburgh Public Market on Saturday from 9-5 and Sunday 10-4. It is a chance to meet some of the local organizations and LGBTQ owned businesses.
Stop by our booth to learn more about our blog and other social media tools. We’ll have coloring pages for kids and other fun stuff.
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents will be raising funds & food for North Side Common Ministries, the largest food pantry in Western Pennsylvania serving 1,000+ families each month.
Stop by our table with a donation of food (totes!) or a cash donation to be eligible to win an official “YaJagoff” folding chair – just in time for spring! We have other goodies, too.
Hunger is an LGBTQ issue!

We’ll be accepting:
- Food items – cereal, peanut butter, canned tuna/salmon/chicken, and more.
- Feminine hygeine products
- General hygeine products
- Paper goods
- Cleaning supplies
- Financial donations
If you donate in a tote bag, you’ll save North Side Common Ministries a few pennies which add up to helping another family.
If you have questions about donations, feel free to email us ahead of time pghlesbian (at) gmail.
Thanks for helping us help our neighbors!
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