Preliminary Thoughts About Russia, the Olympics and Pittsburgh

As you may know, there is a huge controversy brewing over the February 2014 Winter Olympics which are scheduled to be held in the Sochi region in Russia. Like Beijing and other host cities, Russia’s human rights violations are under intense scrutiny – most notably their brutal crackdown on ‘homosexual propaganda.’ First, the law itself […]

Do PA Mayors Performing Marriage Have Ethical Responsibilities Regarding the Legal Status of LGBTQ Couples?

marriage pennsylvania

As I read about Braddock Mayor John Fetterman performing a wedding ceremony for two gay men from Regent Square, I had mixed reactions. On the one hand, it is an act of civil disobedience designed to create a more equal society and I support that step. But on the other hand, it puts an LGBTQ […]

Tribute Video to Girls Who Are Real Geeks

geeks, nerds, Wil Wheaton

Daytime Focuses on Gay Men, But Where Are The Rest Of Us?

Days of Our Lives

When last we chatted daytime television, I was sharing my thoughts on how the “Nick Fallon was raped in prison” story was playing out. Aside from the fact that there was a prison rape, it hasn’t been too bad. Nick had a come to Jesus moment about how he was treating his gay cousin and […]