The prompt: Pumpkin or apple pie at Thanksgiving (or choose any fall holiday)? Do you have a family recipe?
This reminds me of a story … early in our relationship, Ledcat was discussing her mother’s plans for Thanksgiving to which I and my parents were invited. I asked about the menu and she ran through it, rounding off with “and cherry pie.”
I waited a beat for the “to go with the pumpkin” or some such caveat.
No caveat.
I proceeded to explain that Thanksgiving is not a celebration of George Washington’s birthday and that pumpkin pie is non-negotiable. She laughed at me and agreed that I could bring it. Granted, I bought it at a bakery but there you have it. Granted my family of origin tends to include tomato soup & key lime pie in Thanksgiving meals so I should be used to theses heresies.
We are not a baking family. What I do have is a list of great locally owned bakeries that locally source their ingredients. That’s close enough right?
So, I have no idea why someone would serve apple pie at Thanksgiving unless they are deeply allergic to pumpkin or something. I love apple pie, but no no no – its gotta be pumpkin on Turkey Day. And not pumpkin roll, cake, crumb, cookies, etc. Those are preludes to the main event.

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I agree. Pumpkin Pie is better for Thanksgiving. Good post. ~Melissa
Oh, no. Granted, I haven’t been following the prompts, I’ve been writing my own stuff for NaBloPoMo, but maybe I should write on this one, lol. Apple pie baking smells like angels just walked into the room, or as my daughter would prefer, Unicorn farts! And when you get the Dutch Apple Pie with the crumbles on top, oh lordy! But pumpkins? Do you know what’s inside a pumpkin? Icky goop, that’s what. And that icky goop has touched the rest of the pumpkin part that you would eat! No, no, no, that is not going in my mouth! Give me Apple Pie or give me death. Well, maybe not death, but at least don’t give me pumpkin pie! 🙂
Erm….that’s my pumpkin that I carved.
George Takei made it famous!