
The Prompt:  Keeping up with the Jones’  Tell us about the one luxury item you wish you could afford, in as much detail as you can. Paint a picture for us.

I had to ask Ledcat to help me figure this one out.

I have two answers. First, I would like a new laptop and a notebook for portability use. I’m going to fail in the detail department, but I’ll give it a go.

I want a green laptop. OK, I’d really like a pink laptop but those mostly support pinkwashing Susan G. Komen so I’ll stick with green. I’m not particularly concerned with brands – Dell has been fine for me, but just a regular old workhorse with an internal DVD/CD  and nice hard drive. I also want it to be fast. I need a normal keyboard so not a mini or a netbook type computer. Since this is a wish, please add the latest version of Office Pro. For giggles. Definitely a very big screen.

PLUS, I want a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. So maybe a Samsung laptop so it’s like a package deal?  Plus, my phone is a Samsung so woo hoo!

PinkLaptop Laptop

That’s a pretty boring wish isn’t it? A set of pink computer devices.

So here’s my bigger wish (but I would still prefer the computers.) A two week trip to Europe.

I choose two weeks because I don’t think I could leave our pets alone for longer than that without it having a negative impact on my enjoyment. Oh, the kennel expenses should be included so I can feel okay about leaving them at the pricier luxury inn where they get massages.

Since I have  my druthers in this post, I would pick a partially guided tour – I’m not going to run madcap from here to there to see the sites. I want to have down time and I want a chance to meet local people and talk with them. So my tour would include:

  • London, Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin. I’m not really interested in Italy or Spain.
  • I’d love to engage the LGBTQ communities and have the add-on experience, even just visiting community centers or attending a small event.  The on the ground community, not the fancy Gay Inc community.
  • Downtime in a decent resting space. I can’t do an 8 hour tour without my mind overheating.
  • I want to ride trains.
  • No heights. I don’t want to dangle in a car while being wired across a giant ravine no matter how beautiful.
  • A room with a view. You  understand or you don’t. (Yes, I know I said no Italy – whatever.)
  • A small tour group would be good so Laura could have company for explorations when I need to have some down time.

I can’t really imagine much beyond this. I’ve never really indulged in dreaming where I’d like to go. I’d certainly want to visit Anne Frank’s museum in Amsterdam and perhaps some of the regions where our ancestors lived (both of us have most of our family from Germanic states.) It might also be interesting to visit a genealogy space and see if I can find out more about the great mystery of the Rice siblings who appear to have come from out of the mist in 1920.

My final wish would be for someone to landscape our backyard. New fence, some greenish things, tear out the deck and replace with a patio or perhaps a “green” deck. Lighting. The whole shebang. And a firepit! Here’s the connection – a backyard that has a space where I can use my pink laptop to work while outside! A ha!





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