1. State Representative Naomi Jakobbsen of Illinois left the bedside of her dying son to vote yet on “marriage equality” – a measure that passed with a cushion of one vote. Tragically, her son died before she could return to the hospital.

How do you adequately say thank you to someone who would do this? For us? For us, many and most of whom she’ll never meet?
2. This (I posted on Facebook last night) about my friend’s response to the need for coats & blankets at the GLCC.
My friend “K” is a Pittsburgh mom to two lovely almost-grown girls and she recently started volunteering at the GLCC to share her spare time. Then she had surgery & while recovering, she asked her friends to bring donations of blankets & coats to her porch. She has over 60 thirty-two gallon trash bags filled with freshly laundered, gently used and new items. Plus, boxes. Tonight her husband and one of her daughters brought this first load to the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh because their house is overflowing.
I’m not allowed to thank her for being a decent human as she put it. She told me that she and her friends may not have a lot, but they have something to give, something to spare, something to share. She refused to accept any $ donations – just items.
If you are able to join me on Tuesday to sort items, we are meeting at 1 PM at the GLCC. Oh, “K” sorted everything and labeled them – so we really just need to sort the other big donation and previous donations and get it all ready for Wednesday’s homeless youth clinic.
If you know someone in need, please feel free to reach out to me – it’s a cold winter & we have things to share with all of our neighbors. Don’t thank me. I’m just lucky enough to be friends with a decent human being.
Please like this if YOU want to thank “K” for being a decent human being.

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