The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Publish a post in the style of a favorite author/blogger or photographer.
I’m not sure that I have favorite bloggers or I pay close attention to their writing style, close enough to copy it. The thing I like about their blogging is that they write well. Notice how I shifted from plural to singular? That’s why I’ll never be a great writer or blogger. Because I’d rather poke fun at myself for doing it than correct it.
I also don’t want to create a “Favorite Blogger List” because it is too early in the morning and I’d inevitably leave someone off the list to my utter chagrin (and possibly horror.)
So here are some of my favorite blogs, in the sense that I read them pretty much daily. Some are news aggregators, some are true blogs. But all of them fit into my profile so I read.
- Bitch Blogs – the feminist news wrap up is great, but the original content is excellent
- Mombian – i’m not a parent, but Dana (see I do know the actual blogger) has a great clear writing style and also posts a regular LGBT parenting round-up that is a guaranteed good read and an excellent share.
- Transgriot – ok, so I also know Monica Roberts a bit, but this is one of the most interesting trans blogs on the web. OK, I’d have to pick Monica as having a very distinct blogging style that I would not attempt to emulate, simply appreciate, respect and read.
- Feministing – again for the wrap up posts and the original content.
- Black Girl Dangerous – this blog is all kinds of awesome information, insight and has a range of contributors
Interesting. I purposefully excluded “news” blogs like Bilerico, PinkNews, NPR blogs, etc. I don’t seem to read local blogs very often. I have a section reserved for them in feedly, but I look at it less and less often. I do read the Pittsburgh Comet and 2 Political Junkies, but since I am trying step back from politics – not so much as I did before. I also read NullSpace and TubeCity but only occasionally and when I’m pursuing something that I suspect they’ve covered.
My favorite all-time blogger was Pam Spaulding who has since retired. Her style, her investment of herself, her focus – things I could never emulate and I suspect she would not encourage that. Rather, she would want me to find my own voice and let her blogging motive, inspire and encourage me.
Apparently, I would make for a terrible writing workshop participant, eh?

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