In a shocking turn of events, the father of Britney Cosby was arrested today on charges related to the murder of Cosby and her girlfriend, Crystal Jackson. The bodies of the women were found near a dumpster in Galveston.
From the Houston ABC affiliate KTRK:
Galveston county investigators arrested James Larry Cosby, 46, Thursday morning. Investigators say they believe both women were murdered at his home.
Cosby is now in jail, charged with two counts of tampering with evidence after the double murder of his daughter, Britney Cosby, and her girlfriend, Crystal Jackson.
Galveston County investigators arrested James Cosby after searching the south Houston-area home he shared with the young couple.
Investigators told KTRK that the charges could be upgraded to capital murder.
More information from Lone Star Q
Galveston County sheriff’s Maj. Darrell Isaacks told Lone Star Q on Thursday afternoon that detectives still haven’t pinpointed a motive.
“I know the family was not happy with the girls’ lifestyle that they led, so I don’t know,” Isaacks said. “Apparently, some of the detectives had talked to family members, and they were not very happy with the lifestyle that they lived.”
Isaacks said family members who objected to the relationship included both James Cosby and Jackson’s father, who reportedly is a preacher.
I’ve been following the dialogue on the RIP Tribute Page and noted with some interest that people seem genuinely surprised that sexual orientation (or “gay lifestyle”) would motivate a parent to harm their own child. In reality, the number of LGBTQ people – especially young people – who are rejected and abandoned by their families is really high. While clearly it is horrible to think this man killed his daughter and her girlfriend regardless of motive, it isn’t unheard of at all.
Studies show that 30% of LGBTQ youth are rejected by their families when they first come out. This can have serious mental health effects, increase the likelihood of homelessness, impact education, general health and more. I think it is very important that we educate people about these realities and support programs that actively address this.
As I’ve said, queer lives matter. Being shocked that a father played a role in the murder of his lesbian daughter will hopefully inspire you to take some positive action in your own community to have an impact. There are young folks like Britney and Crystal who could use your support so they can flourish and grow into happy, healthy adults.
If you are interested, there is a collection set up to fund a Crimestoppers reward. It is rumored that someone phoned a tip in to the police about James Cosby, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to fund an incentive for more information. I’m not aware of a current fundraiser for the family needs, but I’ll keep my eyes open.

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