Two Lesbians Found Dead in Galveston Texas

We are aware of the breaking news from Galveston, Texas of the deaths of 24 year old Britney Crosby and her girlfriend Crystal Jackson also 24, both from Houston. We hope to have more details soon.

The bodies of two Houston women, a lesbian couple, were discovered near a dumpster in Galveston County, Texas. Crystal Jackson and her girlfriend Britney Cosby, both 24, had been together for two years and lived together. Their bodies were found Friday morning next to a convenience store dumpster, reports Houston’s ABC 13.

Relatives say the two women went to Galveston for Mardi Gras. Detectives believe they were killed elsewhere and their bodies moved. Reports also indicate that they were murdered in different ways. It’s currently unclear whether this was a hate crime or there was some other motive for the murder.

Jackson is survived by a 5 year old daughter.

For now, we want to give our condolences to the families and friends of these two young women. We also want to express our outrage and anger and rage, but perhaps we’ll conserve that until we have more information. 

Crystal Jackson and Britney Cosby
Crystal Jackson and Britney Cosby (Source: ABC News)


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