Tell us about something you (or a person close to you) have done recently (or not so recently) that has made you really, unabashedly proud.
The other night, Ledcat had to give a brief presentation on a work related topic. A member of the group she was addressing hijacked her presentation to give *his* spin on her topic. He had a very distant professional connection, but was also a member of the group she was addressing so he assumed he was an expert. She is a professional and thus let him spin his wheels without interruption.
When he wrapped up, she said to him “You and I should take this on the road” and then took questions from the group who burst into laughter. Point to Ledcat.
She came home to me and said “Well, I guess I was mansplained tonight.”
Yes, my dear, you certainly were, but you handled it like a pro. And I am very proud of you for rising above the rude interruption and disregard to remain focused on the needs of the people there to get information. She’s only a lawyer with 14 years experience in her job and the senior civilian staff person after all. How could that trump being a woman? And a tiny woman? Clearly, she needed an assist.
To illustrate her feelings about “mansplained” Ledcat picked up Coco for unwanted squeezes and cuddles. Coco’s plaintive and desperate look sez it all.

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