This is an important piece from BuzzFeed about the epidemic of violence against trans women, particularly trans women of color. This snapshot commemorates the one year anniversary of the murder of Islan Nettles, a crime that remains unsolved.
Out of 18 anti-LGBT homicides in 2013 included in a report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, almost three-quarters, or 72%, of homicide victims were transgender women, and 67% of homicide victims were transgender women of color.
There have been more than 20 incidents of violence against transgender people since Islan’s death on August 22, 2013. And that’s just what has been reported.
This is why I ask questions like:
- Why are there no openly trans staff or authority/commission appointees at the City of Pittsburgh or the County of Allegheny?
- Why so few community leaders from the gay men’s community as allies at the Dyke Trans March this year?
- Why did not a SINGLE person respond to me about the edition of sisTers United and young transwomen of color age 14 engaging in sex work for a living? I reached out to tons of community leaders with the African-American community and beyond. No response. What is that about?
- Why don’t the City and County offer transgender health benefits to employees?
- Do I expect too much from the City of Pittsburgh in 2014?
Resource for those in the Pittsburgh area:
TransPridePgh – an umbrella group of many regional trans organizations (useful starting point)
PFLAG Pittsburgh – provides support & resources for trans persons (including monthly support group) and for the friends and family of trans individuals
Persad Center – the leading regional agency addressing violence in the community, Persad can work with survivors on multiple levels. Persad is also on the front lines working with public safety departments around anti-LGBT crimes.
The GLCC has a phoneline 412-422-0114 and can be reached by email for information and referrals.
Please read the full article at BuzzFeed.

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This violence is real, and this violence is frightening. And while you will be even more affected by it as a trans woman of color, you will still live in fear of it even if you are not a trans woman of color; it literally plays a part in the everyday decisions I make about what to wear and wear and where I feel I can safely go.
I was sickened to read about Mia Henderson. It left me thinking: how can her brother be an NBA player and not give her a hand up in life? What does it cost to send someone to community college?