Earlier in the week, Candice Rose Milligan, a 33-year-old trans activist in Toledo Ohio, was assaulted by three men around 3 PM. Yes, 3 in the afternoon.
From NBC24.com
According to a police report, Milligan was walking home Monday afternoon when she was approached by three men shouting homophobic slurs. Witnesses say Milligan was punched and kicked by one of the suspects with the two others quickly joining in after she fell to the ground.
Milligan suffered a fractured skull, has several staples on her face to close up wounds, and she’s had her jaw wired shut due to a mandible fracture.
The men stole her cellphone which led police to one of the attackers. Sadly, theft of the cellphone is taken more seriously by Ohio law than the “homophobic slur” part (which really should be transphobic, but often haters intermix the two because they are after all, ignorant fools.) Ohio does not have statewide hate crimes protections based on gender identity and gender expression (or sexual orientation.)
Candice underwent two surgeries and has been released from the hospital, according to the Toledo Blade. She survived, she was able to get medical attention and it appears she has the support of family and friends as she recuperates. She is one of the lucky ones (and I bet she knows that given her activism.) Still, lucky is an awkward term to use for someone whose only crime was walking down the street at 3 PM in the afternoon on their way home from work.

Aaron Eckhardt of the Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization, told WNWO the attack is common for LGBT people in Ohio. He added that the state currently does not have any laws the protect people from hate crimes based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
“Sadly, we know that hate crime violence in its many forms are intended to instill the message of hate and fear throughout the entire community,” Gloria McCauley of BRAVO, said according to Pink Star News. “Hate crimes largely go under-reported, or not reported at all, and people are left with restoring their sense of safety and security on their own.”
The message of hate and fear is perpetuated by media sources that insist on misgendering transgender victims and survivors. Ohio media is particularly adept at this and with the murder of 4 transwomen over the past 2 years, they’ve had ample opportunity to refine that skill.
Candice will be off work for two months and her insurance does not cover all of her medical needs. TransOhio has set up a fundraiser for her.
Anyone with information about the attack should please call Crime Stoppers at 419-255-1111.
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