If I was asked to define what makes a blog great, I would respond that it is both content and layout/design. Nothing is more important than solid content. You want to engage your readers and keep them returning. Content is key. But layout and design matter as well. You don’t have to use a professional web designer, but you should think through things like site navigation and how you use images (and how you attribute them.)
But what makes a blogger great is that they simply blog. It doesn’t matter if you have 200 readers or 200,000 readers. Your voice matters and your contribution to this web that we call the burghosphere is part of our strength as a collective group. There types of projects give us a chance to appreciate the diversity in the burghosphere ecological system. We blog about sports and quilts and movies and long-dead politicians! And I’ve been assigned a blogger who pretty much covers each of those topics in a week’s time. He’s also both a writer and an artist so he has this in the bag.
Joe’s blog is titled “Burgh Blog” and is relatively the new kid on the block with five posts. He’s a blogger who fleshes out the mysteries corners of Pittsburgh with full color. I almost literally cannot wait to see what figure he comes up with next. A toon? An airplane? A fragment of early 20th century history buried in the Google newspaper archives?
Based on his first posts, I’m honoring Joe as “Blogger Most Drawn to Pittsburgh History.”
It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a blog post rang out. It was a-maze-ing.
Joe, welcome to the Burghosphere in your official new blogging guise. I tried very hard to work “New Kid on the Block” and “Blockhead” into your category, but I was just not able to pull it off. Consider that a challenge for next year. To learn more about the other blogs participating in this project, visit the Most Wanted Fine Art website.
In Joe’s honor, I’m including one of my favorite interpretations of the infamous dance scene in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. He also brings a unique twist to what we’ve come to expect.
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