Mayors Bill Peduto, Bill de Blasio Drop by OUTrageous Bingo UPDATED

Last night, Ledcat and I rolled into Oakland to enjoy the Halloween edition of OUTrageous Bingo with our friends (and bingo virgins) Amy and her daughter Faith. Bingo has sold out for the past four years and this specific night was sold out in five days so we were happy to have tickets. Amy & Faith dressed up as angels. Ledcat and I dressed up as us.

I did bring a prop to help me “dead blog” the event – get it? Ledcat rolled her eyes every time I mentioned it (or that I was voted Pgh Best Local Blogger – apparently, I mention it. A lot.)

Dead Blogging at Bingo!
Dead Blogging at Bingo!

The night kicked off with a special guest who, along with the DNC and the Gertrude Stein Political Club, was working to get out the vote – City Council President Bruce Kraus, the first openly gay elected official in Pittsburgh.

Bruce Kraus Outrageous Bingo
Pgh City Council President Bruce Kraus speaking about the importance of voting before calling a game of OUTrageous Bingo

Bruce sat our table for a bit to chat and then headed out to his next GOTV obligation. Bingo resumed.

About an hour later, we had a surprise visit from unexpected guests – Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, City Councilor Dan Gilman, Chief of Staff Kevin Acklin and … New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The Mayor of New York City was campaigning for Katie McGinty and Hillary Clinton at gay bingo in Pittsburgh. As you can imagine, the crowd went wild. But when Mayor de Blasio took a seat to call a game with an able assist from Peduto, I was charmed to hear the crowd yelling at him because he called too many ‘O’ numbers in a row and resisting his attempts to launch into a round of ‘Happy Birthday’ in the middle of the game. You come to bingo, you call bingo. LOL.

DeBlasio was game, commenting on the uniqueness of our bingo and then inviting everyone to come to a gay Halloween parade in NYC sometime which he defined as a comparable event. He also didn’t flinch at O69, not even a little bit. Check out my (wobbly) video below.

Catch OUTrageous Bingo on Saturday November 19 and again on December 3 for the 19th anniversary game. Remember, tickets can sell out in as few as five days so act fast to git yinz.

Also, vote Hillary and Katie!

Correction: I misspelled Mayor de Blasio’s surname. In my defense, I am related to my own Italian Mayor (Jim) DeBlasio who served in Freeport, Armstrong County in the late 1970’s so his spelling is automatic for me.


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