I blogged yesterday about the devastating murder of a 25 year-old local mother of four, Kala Thomas. She leaves behind two sets of twins, 8 years old and 3 months old. Her family has established two sources for donations to support the children. If you can donate, please do so.
The children lost their mother. Financial support from the community will help their extended family ensure that their needs are met so that they can grieve without financial anxiety. It is also a gift to their caretakers who must move forward for the children while grieving their sister, cousin, daughter, niece.
You can donate via this crowdfund set up on GoFundMe by Kala’s cousin, Dajia Maree Thomas. Dajia has given me permission to share this information and ask for support on behalf of the family.
You can also go to any PNC bank branch and make a donation to the ‘Kala Thomas Foundation’ via cash or check.
This is a photo of Kala shared on the crowdfund page with her two older children while she was still pregnant with her younger two. We can’t do anything to recreate those smiles, but we can do something tangible to give them the best opportunity possible to move forward together as a family with their siblings and honor their mother’s memory by living fulfilling lives.
Rest in power, Kala. Your life mattered to us and we will rally to support your children while seeking justice for your death.

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