So our launch was a little rocky thanks to some shenanigans involving my webservers. I hope that’s been addressed, but just in case – I’ve created a FB event and will do my best to update both on a regular basis.

A big shipment was donated via the Amazon wishlist and has already been distributed to two caretakers on the Northside. That’s how quickly items are distributed when you send them or drop them off to the two locations – HCMT volunteers are out there lickety split to get the food where it is needed.

Our own colony is still pretty fragmented. Mr. Pajamas has been around a bit, but we haven’t seen everyone else very regularly. I can tell that a raccoon is probably stopping by for a late night dinner because they move the cat food bowls out of the shelter into the light on the backporch. I’ve no objection to feeding the racoons and possums and groundhogs – take a look at this great Q&A we did with Scrap the Trap Pgh on urban wildlife issues which are absolutely part and parcel of homeless cat management issues. I’ve submitted a similar (vast) Q&A to the Homeless Cat Management Team to put up as a resource.
Note: this morning, Laura told me that Big Boris was waiting for her this morning and meowing for dry food. A few minutes later, she saw two black cats but she’s not sure which ones they are – we seem to have at least 3 solid black shorthair cats. Fortunately, we are able to meet their food needs within our budget. But you can see how quickly colonies multiply.
If you’d like to contribute cat food, we very much need donations
- we have two drop-off locations (Northside and Natrona Heights),
- an Amazon wish list
- and of course you can shop local for our suggested items which is mostly Purina dry foods and Friskies canned foods
- Organize your own mini-drive. Set up a drive at work, in your neighborhood, with your kids and their friends, etc. Let us know and we can arrange for someone to pick up your collected donations.
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