Total Lists Submitted: 6
Total Amount Raised for Food Pantry: $60.00
This is our new project #ThingsToDo where we invite youth to create and share a list of things to occupy time and cope with boredom. You’ll fine the details at this link. Your young people are welcome to participate. Here’s the cool thing – in addition to creating a central hub of suggestions for all young people, we have donors who have pledged $10 per list for the Northside Community Food Pantry. So each list helps other kids AND helps neighbors counting on the food pantry.
If you or your kids find these lists helpful or useful, please leave a comment.
Name and Age: Maggie, age 11

Ways to Avoid Boredom
During this pandemic, it’s easy to get bored. But, there are ways to help avoid this boredom. Here are a few that I’ve come up with.
1. Reading: Let’s start with the basics. Reading has always been a fun activity for me, especially during this pandemic. When you’re reading, you can imagine you’re the main character fighting a villain, or the captain of an awful crew. Reading can take you places you’d never expect you’d be.
2. Calling Friends: Since you won’t be able go outside as much, talking to your friends is a great way to interact with others. Especially when you used to talk to people on a daily basis, it may be hard not being able to talk to them. Talking to friends is a great way to consume time.
3. Going Through Old Things: One way to spend time is to go through some of your things. This is a good way to get rid of old things you don’t need or to find things to give to a local charity. Giving things you don’t really need to a charity is beneficial to the people that really need it.
4. Origami: Folding a piece of paper over and over again may seem boring to some, but it’s a very effective stress relieving activity. This activity shows anyone’s creative side. And the creations can vary. From an elegant swan, to a tiny butterfly, everything is a piece of art.
5. Playing Games: Whether you like playing Minecraft or Monopoly, playing a game is a fun way to spend time. With today’s technology, you’re able to play with all of your friends online, even using cross platforms. But with board games you’re able to hang out with your family. Either way, it’s a fun way to play with others.
6. Painting or Drawing: While in quarantine, bringing out your creative side may be difficult. That’s why painting or drawing your ideas is a great way to be creative. Whether you sketch, draw in detail, or have an empty canvas, this is a fun way to get rid of that boredom.
7. Learning a New Instrument: If you’re musically talented or not, it may be time to bring out that guitar! Trying to learn a new instrument is not only a good way to learn, but it is also another way to have a good time. Jazz, rock, pop, or hip-hop are all good examples of types of music you can learn.
8. Writing: Writing is a good way to express yourself. It doesn’t matter if you were inspired to write or you just started, it’s fun to express yourself by the things you write. There are many types of writing pieces, such as, fiction, non-fiction, folktale, autobiography, and biography. But there are still many more different types of writing pieces.
9. Trying New Recipe: If it’s a recipe your family has passed down from generation to generation or a recipe you’ve found from the internet, cooking is an entertaining thing to do. It could be something that’s an everyday dinner, or it can be a wacky, fun looking breakfast. It’s up to you to decide what dish you would like to make.
10. Study Your Assignments: Being as school has been canceled for a while now, it may be time to crack open your math books. Looking over your studies from when you were in school helps you keep it fresh in your mind. It also helps keep your brain active during this unexpected break.
These are a few of the things that I do to help get rid of my boredom, why don’t you go and give some of them a try.
– Maggie, Age 11
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