This is a new limited-Q&A series focusing on Election Day. I’ve approached an array of regional folks to ask them the same seven questions about the election. This election is complicated in ways we never thought possible, but there are paths forward. Listening to what our neighbors are prioritizing and how they are framing the Biden/Harris ticket in particular is an urgent duty for each of us. I will be publishing as these are returned to me and will field new requests to contribute at pghlesbian@gmail.com
First up is my colleague Terrance McGeorge from Project Matters among other roles he plays organizing in the community. He was the first to respond so I am pleased to publish his response first in this series.
I am supporting the Joe/Harris ticket because what Donald Trump stands for cannot be how America is viewed in the world or at home. This country is so divided right now, and its because of him. He uses race to put fear in the hearts and minds of white America.
Your Name: Terrance McGeorge
Your Pronouns: him, his
Your Affiliations: creator of Project Silk/ Project Matters
How do you describe your identity? I would describe myself as a Gay Black Activist. I have been a leader in the Black LGBTQIA community for over 15 years. I have been involved with HIV/Prevention, advocacy, and the ballroom scene. As of late I am someone who has shifted my focus to the BLM movement as it pertains to Black LGBTQIA people. My goal is to protect and highlight my community.
1. Why and how are you supporting the Biden/Harris ticket in the Presidential race? I am supporting the Joe/Harris ticket because what Donald Trump stands for cannot be how America is viewed in the world or at home. This country is so divided right now, and its because of him. He uses race to put fear in the hearts and minds of white America. Do not get me wrong Joe Biden is not my first choice. His own racist policies and practices are not lost on me, but at the very least he served under Obama and has a black woman on his ticket. I will be supporting their ticket by doing weekly events centered around voting registration throughout the city.
2. What other Pennsylvania races on the “down ballot” should we be paying attention to as well? I think we should be paying attention to the Attorney General election in Pennsylvania. Josh Shapiro is not for BLM. His policies just don’t sit well with people of color
3. What races outside of Pennsylvania should we be paying attention to? Like I previously said we should be looking into the Attorney General race as a big one. One of the reasons that is so significant is making sure that we all protect our First Amendment right to protest and have freedom of speech. I have been apart of activism for numerous years. To see how all of my fellow local Black LGBTQIA activist have been treated is a crime against humanity. Where is the Attorney General’ office supporting these people fight for there rights? Why are you charging people for trumped up charges because of protesting? Is it not your God given right in America to assemble?
4. At this point in the race, where should I invest my $10 or $25 donation? You should invest your money in yourselves right now. I know campaign’s need money but this country is in bad shape. The economy as well as job security is an issue. That 10- or $25-dollar donation can go to gas or food. There are many people that are barely making it so if you ask me hold onto your money.
5. How important will Western Pennsylvania be in this election? This election will be very important here in Western Pennsylvania. Most people think that we are a democrat city but we can’t rest on our morals. We need to be pushing nonstop to get trump out of office. You can tell this is a major spot for them because Mike Pence and Trump have been here twice within the last 3 months.
I think we should be paying attention to the Attorney General election in Pennsylvania. Josh Shapiro is not for BLM. His policies just don’t sit well with people of color
6. What is your voting plan? My plan is to vote for my interest. College debt, job security, and race will be a big factor for me. As president you represent a whole country and I need my leadership to reflect the melting pot that is America.
7. What else should I be asking? I think you should be asking questions like why were so many Black LGBTQIA people charged with crimes in the city of Pittsburgh. I think we should be talking about what happened to Ramir Tolley and how the Wilkinsburg Police department have been covering that up for over a year now. I think we have to just start asking the questions of what it is ok to arrest people for supporting or representing for Black lives. You can look my organization Project Matters up on Facebook to see all of our events we are having.
Thank you, Terrance.
Q&A Election 2020 is a limited-series Q&A with Western Pennsylvania residents. We ask them the same seven questions to create a database of perspectives that are representative of our region. I want to galvanize your interest and participation in this election. Please read the entire series.
In Pennsylvania, you can find information on voting, working the polls, and candidate resources at Votes PA. Confirm your voter registration status, request a mail-in ballot and more.
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