The week before Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20, we have Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility of transgender people and address issues the community faces.
Since 2015, the #AMPLIFY project has curated first person Q&A’s with members of the region’s LGBTQ community. The archive is meant to be a permanent resource to understand the LGBTQ experience(s) of this era. We invite you to browse the entire archive at your convenience.
This year has been particularly brutal – we’ve lost at least 34 trans neighbors to violence, a new horrific record of sorts. The impact of the pandemic have been magnified through the lens of trans neighbors, including but not limited to being misgendered because of wearing life-saving face masks.
But resiliency and determination to thrive has been a hallmark of the trans community since time immoriam. That doesn’t excuse our tacit acceptance of a transphobic culture, but it does offer moments of hope and insight. Several Black trans women have been at the forefront of resistance to police violence and toxic anti-Blackness among law enforcement. SisTers Pgh held a successful virtual People’s Pride event, while Trans Pride Pittsburgh also had a tele-conference to educate and connect people. Garden of Peace has carved out Sanctuary for the trans community. Six trans candidates won their elections, smashing the cis-ceiling with a resounding blow. The LGBTQ Victory Fund reports that the total number of transgender elected officials nationwide will jump from an existing 28 to 32 when new winners take office next year. Groundbreaking series POSE captured numerous awards and raised the profile of the mostly BIPOC cast and crew.
When I realized that COVID-19 was going to require face masks for everyone, I asked TransPride Pittsburgh to partner with me to 1) get masks to the community and 2) center trans and queer neighbors. The Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT emerged to address concrete needs that are unique to our communities, with a special emphasis on the trans community.
Our work as a blog and my own choices as an individual have been informed very directly by the AMPLIFY project. We ask people to describe their own identity so it is possible there are other trans voices amongst the narrative, but these self-identified contributors represent 26% of our total contributors. Data from 2016 shows that about .6% of adults living in the United States identify as transgender so the trans community is well-represented in the AMPLIFY data.
And we’d love to include your story as we move forward. Click here to fill out the Q&A. It takes about 30 minutes of your time. You can control what name you use and make the decision about using a photo. Anyone who meets these criteria can contribute
- Identify as part of the LGBTQ community (however you define that)
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have ties to at least one of the 26 counties in Western Pennsylvania (you also define what constitutes a tie)
That’s it. You can submit your story today if you like.
These Q&A’s are not in any particular order, but you can find the full chronological archive on this website. Note that we now include gender nonconforming identities as part of this list. As always, we respect how people identify even if it doesn’t line up with what we expect.
- alexis, 29, talks compensation & community for marginalized lgbtq neighbors
- Rashod Is An Unapologetic Trans Man of Color
- Donna Met a Female Impersonator Who Made a Lasting Impression
- Katie-Anne Speaks As Two Spirited Bi Gendered Resident of Johnstown
- Twist Shares Their Life as Neuroqueer
- CJ Describes Living Stealth As A Trans Man
- Patrouious Describes His Fears & Frustrations as a Trans Man in McKean County
- Sivynn Acknowledges That Some People Just Don’t Pay Attention to His Transition
- Brandon Believes Pittsburgh Should Have Better Trans Health Resources
- Jesse Believes in the Power of [Trans]cendence
- Jessi is a Trans Lesbian Who Asks Questions
- Kitty Is Out and Open as a Bisexual Trans Woman in Erie County
- Alex is a Black Trans Man Who Doesn’t Apologize For His Existence
- Jesse Talks About Living as a Trans Woman in a Culture of Fear
- Kaley is Trans, Queer and a Fan of Gender Outlaws
- Roman Knows to the Depths of His Soul That He Is a Man #AMPLIFY
- Niki Talks About Living as a Gender Queer Trans Woman in Pittsburgh
- Jazmine, 46, Has Advice for LGB Allies to the Trans Community
- Moira Describes the Toll of Gatekeeping on the Trans Community
- Elliot is Bi, Trans and Wishes Westmoreland County Was Talking More About Queer Youth
- Corvus Regrets the Lack of Sober, Radical, Queer, and Disability Friendly Community in Pgh
- Cavanaugh, 25, Talks About Genderflux Identity and the Value of Self-Care
- Alyssa is First Generation Cuban American, Trans, Gender Nonconforming and from Beaver County
- Sabrina, 50, Found New Friends When She Came Out as Trans
- Alissa, 34, is Just Another Girl in the Crowd in Lawrence County
- Austin, 30, is a Straight Trans Man from Washington County
- Tylor, 30, is a Pansexual Trans Man Who Wants Better for Young People
- Bobby, 50, Queer Trans Guy, White Anti-Racism Activist
- Wes, 44: Queer Trans Man, Parent Wants You To Know That He Exists
- Patricia, 41, Does Not Feel Safe as a Trans Woman in Her Urban Pgh Suburb
- Avery is a Bisexual, Latino Tran Man in Cambria County
- Delilah, 31, Finds Trans Community on Twitter
- Caitlyn 51, Lives Her Authentic Self as a Trans Woman in Erie
- ‘Your Story Can Heal’ Says Rain, 26
- Samantha, 44, Wants Better Health Choices for the Trans Community
- Ciora, 27, Says Trans People Have the Strength of Two Souls
- Lavi, 29, is Trans Queer Bi and Wants Your Respect & Support
- Vi, 24, Is Very Concerned About Trans Health Issues in Pittsburgh
- Alexia, 40, is Bisexual, Transgender, and Loves Pittsburgh
- Jez, 50, Came Out As Trans in 1985 in Rural Washington County
- Bobbi Jo, 63, is a Transgender Lesbian in Indiana County
- Mindy, 42, Lives Semi-Open as Trans in Rural Elk County
- Dylan, 28, is a Queer, Autistic Transgender Man
- Joel, 35, is Gay, a Trans Guy, Polyamorous, Christian, Parent, & Husband
- Scott, 53, is a Gay Man Exploring Transition & Identity Anew
- Seth, 21, Came Out as Bi and Trans Via Power Point
- Tyler, 18, is a Pansexual Trans Man in Erie
- Caiolin, 56, is Just Another Woman Who Happens To Be Trans
- Dawn, 33, Describes Life as a Trans Woman in Westmoreland County
- Ravenna, 37, Pansexual Trans Woman Living in the Allegheny County Suburbs
- Vanessa, 31, Describes Her Transition & Life as Pansexual in Washington County
- Lav, 29, a Queer Trans Gender Non Binary Mermaid Witch Warrior
- Vanessa, 31, Describes Her Transition & Life as Pansexual in Washington County
- Ravenna, 37, Pansexual Trans Woman Living in the Allegheny County Suburbs
- Dawn, 33, Describes Life as a Trans Woman in Westmoreland County
- Caiolin, 56, is Just Another Woman Who Happens To Be Trans
- Tyler, 18, is a Pansexual Trans Man in Erie
- Seth, 21, Came Out as Bi and Trans Via Power Point
- Scott, 53, is a Gay Man Exploring Transition & Identity Anew
- Joel, 35, is Gay, a Trans Guy, Polyamorous, Christian, Parent, & Husband
- Dylan, 28, is a Queer, Autistic Transgender Man
- Mindy, 42, Lives Semi-Open as Trans in Rural Elk County
- Bobbi Jo, 63, is a Transgender Lesbian in Indiana County
- Jez, 50, Came Out As Trans in 1985 in Rural Washington County
- Maria, 37, is a Queer Trans Latinx Challenging Us To Be Better Trans Allies
- Alexia, 40, is Bisexual, Transgender, and Loves Pittsburgh
- Madison, 40, is a Pansexual, Trans Woman Who Loves Pittsburgh
- Rae, 48, is a Pansexual Trans Woman Living in Allegheny County
- Leo, 24, Fears the Erasure of Nonbinary/Bisexual/Pansexual/Asexual/Demi Narratives in the Queer Community
- Brian, 32, is Trans, Nonbinary, and Queer in Westmoreland County
- Kat, 33, Shares Her Story as a Trans Woman to Find Some Peace
- Jay, 27, Discusses Challenges of Being a Straight Trans Man
- Allie, 51, Talks Living as a Trans Woman in Washington County
- Ian, 27, is a Gay Trans Man Resisting Gender Expectations
- Joslyn, 22, is a Trans Female Concerned About LGBTQ Mental Health Supports
- Maxwell, 22, is a Queer Trans Man from McKean County
- Bob, 24, is an autistic butch non binary lesbian. This is their story.
- Sarah, 38, Talks Transitioning in Her Rural Pennsylvania Community
- Eli, 41, is a Feminist Trans Man Describing Queer Life in Pittsburgh
- Anastasia, 55, is a Woman Who Identifies as a White Trans Lesbian in Pittsburgh
- Eli, 37, is a Queer Bisexual, Trans Man, and Small Business Owner
- Vincent, 54, is a Nonbinary Transmasculine & Queer Asian Pacific Islander in Pittsburgh
- Patrouious Achatz, 25, Compares LGBTQ+ Resources in Allegheny, Westmoreland, and McKean counties #AMPLIFYupdate
- Trans Woman Jayme Lyn, 59, Wants Us To Remember the ‘Mature’ Trans Community
- Marcia, 58, is Cisgender, Lesbian & Slightly Gender Nonconforming
- Maddy, 23, is Queer and Gender Nonconforming in Allegheny County
- Janet, 66, is Bisexual, Cisgender and Gender Nonconforming
Still reading?
We have a few suggestions on how you might invest your coins in the work centering the trans community.
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There are many other great organizations doing important work. And there’s also the option to do something tangible for a trans person in your life – a gift card, pay for a meal, send a pizza – anything to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate your appreciation for their lived identity.
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