It has been awhile since I wrote an update on our foster cat lady status. For most of this year, we’ve had three cats living with us – Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine are now 14 month old siblings and their mom, Helena Cassadine (age – timeless) is living in our bathroom. COVID and their need to learn social skills turned them into long-term visitors. Then Stefano developed a seizure issue that we are still investigating.
All three came from Allegheny West neighborhood, in fact most of our kitties have Northside ties. And you may remember our holiday surprise last year when the eight week old Sheffield Trio kittens took over our bathroom in mid-December. That’s also when I began caring for a neighbors colony due to her travel schedule. We all know that turned into over six months thanks to travel delays.
So it should be no surprise that we have another Northside holiday surprise – Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
They are three older kittens living not too far from our home. Their current caretakers are relocating to another continent this weekend so they needed to find someone quick. Enter us.
This beautiful trio of kittens are probably four months old. Hard to tell until we can get closer to them.

Kirk is a glorious long-haired ginger cat, most likely a male. He has a sweet kitten face still.
Spock is a mystery (ahem) she is dark and also has a long coat. We think she’s either a very furry grey tabby or a long haired tortoiseshell. Torties are mostly female so we are assuming Spock is a female.
McCoy is the wee one of this group, but the first to appear when we arrive. She’s a short haired black cat. We don’t know her gender but assume she’s a female because she’s brave and mighty.

Mamma is reportedly a calico who does not come around much. We have not seen Mamma as of yet. If we do, we will give her a name. And trap her.
So we set up appts to get the little three spayed/neutered/vetted. We set up a fundraiser to Fix Them Up! to help offset these expenses. If the community can cover these costs, it will be much easier to try to get them into a foster program if they are friendly. We need about $1250.
If they are too old or we cannot find a foster home, they will be returned to the community and we will continue to take care of the colony. And slowly work out way through the other homeless cats.
So I have designated a tote bag that I load up with canned food, dry food, paper plates, a juice bottle filled with clean water, and other such stuff. We head out, clean up the old plates, put out the food. It took only two days for them to realize our intention and creep slowly toward the feeding area once they hear me pop the canned food lids. That bodes well for trapping. I hope.
Here’s their Amazon wishlist.
Here’s the Crowdfund
You can also donate via
Venmo @pghlesbian
Ca$hApp @Pghlesbian

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