Welcome Aboard to Our New Foster Cat Trio: Catamaran, Marina, and Tug #KittensAhoy

Last week, the good folks at Homeless Cat Management Team successfully mass trapped 18 kittens, 15 adults, and recovered some deceased of various ages. This was Clairton. They TNVRd the adults at the clinic the next day and the kittens were vetted and divided into foster homes.

Bringing in 18 kittens at one time is a lot to ask of any foster group, so the leaders of Pittsburgh CAT put out the call – asking everyone who could help to possibly do so. So Laura and I agreed that we could help vis a vis our bathroom. The Clairton kittens were very young so we were assigned three siblings from a different litter to create room for the wee ones. Our kittens are five weeks old, just the way we like them.

Say hello to Catamaran aka Mare (brown tabby female), Marina (gray tabby female), and Tug (orange tabby male.) They and their mom were found on a boat hence the nautical names.

This is the first time we’ve received socialized kittens; usually they are in corners hissing fiercely at us and WE have to socialize them. These three came marching boldly out of the carrier and exploring the bathroom with all of their senses. They zoomed, they stood up and looked, they crawled under things, they sniffed for a solid hour until they crawled into a pile and fell asleep in their fleece bed.

They are adorable and I’m staring at the nanny cam as I watch this even though they are still asleep.

So taking on three kittens was not in the playbook for us, but we are good with the age group and we have an empty bathroom and the foster group took on 18 kittens in one night plus a dozen more over the next several days. If we are going to say people need to step up and take care of these critters, we have to also do that.

And that’s one reason I am working so hard on the #ManchesterCatTrap – if we can TNVR 50 cats in one day, we will prevent so many homeless kittens and adult cats from being just dumped on a system that is overextended and underresourced. Preventing the births of 300 kittens this next year alone (on average) means more opportunities for kittens like these three and the other 18+ to find good homes. It means older cats and cats with health needs will also have a shot at getting a home. Much less suffering. Healthier communities.

So, yes, you can send items for these particular babies and that will be helpful.

You can also send that money to support #ManchesterCatTrap and it will also help this trio find their forever homes.

GoFundMe https://gofund.me/c80417b4
Venmo @pghlesbian 
CashApp @pghlesbian

Slide cash through my mail slot (someone did that today.)

Donate pet food via our wishlist





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