Since we last had this conversation, progress has been made. The Allegheny County Democrat Committee now has an online form that you can use to request yard signs. That’s what we’ve needed all along. You can request signs through the campaign (in most cases) and through the ACDC (in most cases.) In come cases, the candidates don’t use signs. That’s why they aren’t listed on the ACDC form. That’s something ACDC should spell out, but this is progress.
Summer Lee for Congress –Contact the campaign. Also, via the ACDC Google form.
Josh Shapiro/Austin Davis for Governor/Lt. Governor – you can pick up signs in East Liberty or you can request ONE by mail. Here’s the link to request the sign. The mail signs are just Shapiro, not Davis. The ACDC form is Shapiro and Davis.
John Fetterman for US Senate – You can buy a sign for a donation through the campaign store. You can also use the ACDC Google form. There is no clarity on how to connect with the campaign to request a sign directly BUT it was a campaign volunteer who reached out to me and explained how to go through the ACDC.
Chris DeLuzio for Congress – Front and center on his website, you can request a sign. You can also request through the ACDC form.
Aerion Andrew Abney for PA State House – Aerion does not currently have signs as he is running unopposed.
Jessica Benham for PA State House – Jessica has signs that can be delivered anywhere in her district, no donation required. She replied to my inquiry personally in under 15 minutes. She has a form on her website. She is not listed on the ACDC form.
Emily Kinkead for PA State House – Contact the campaign and/or use the ACDC form.
La’Tasha Mayes for PA State House – They are updating the website and available via the ACDC form.
Sara Innamorato for PA State House – Has window signs only. No yard signs.
Lindsey Williams for PA State Senator – On her website, you can click on volunteer/get involved and find a form to request a yard sign. You can also request through the ACDC form.
I don’t know why this was so hard. I think ACDC has so much to burn down & reconstruct that this was not on anyone’s radar. It should be. Relying on the committee folx who were part of the longstanding systemic problems to do this work of voter engagement is not smart. They need to adjust their heads to this new way of thinking.
Meanwhile people are possible voters who want a damn sign.
One of the biggest challenges in Pittsburgh politics is the clique mentality. From the ACDC to the Central Catholic mafia, there is so much insider knowledge and connection needed to get anywhere. It is a fatal flaw. I drive around Manchester every day and do not see almost any signs at all. No cute GOTV yarn bombs. No stickers. Nothing. Stop telling me that I need to get to know my committee folx and tell them to do the job they agreed to take on.
I also think it is a misstep not to organize a direct outreach to the LGBTQ community. Set up a sign distribution during National Coming Out Week at an existing event. Get all the signs so people can take what fits. Not just the rainbow stuff. I even offered to organize this, but had no response. You need our votes. Don’t take us for granted.
So go to the ACDC form to request signs. Contact the campaigns. Don’t let this be a barrier to turning out on election day, but don’t forget the lack of voter engagement by these campaigns. They need to do better very quickly.
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