Hey – Our Blog Is Nominated
Of course, it is an honor to receive our fifth nomination in the ‘Outstanding Blog’ category of the GLAAD Media Awards. We were only the second blog to win the category twice in 2019 and 2022. It is humbling to still be relevant in our19th year of blogging. And to witness the growth a new publishing platform bring multiple new voices into this category. That’s online newsletters, a social space for writers and bloggers to grow their community – you might be most familiar with Substack.
Thus, I’ve subscribed to everyone below and I hope you will, too. Follow everyone on their socials and through your in-box.
Blog Nominated for What?
What’s more the GLAAD media awards cover 33 categories and include 310 nominees this year. It saddens me that Pittsburgh is so underrepresented, year after year. It is worrisome that our regional media is not producing the content at a quality level for eligibility.
Outstanding Blog
Charlotte’s Web Thoughts
Erin in the Morning
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents
The Queer Review
The Randy Report
The Reckoning
The Rot Spot
Outstanding Blog
Recognizes a blog based on the quality of its overall coverage throughout the year. Outlet must be independent, with a majority of content from a single contributor. Outlet may consist of original content and/or aggregated content with original commentary posted in chronological order.
What’s That About Billy Porter?
Also representing Pittsburgh is Billy Porter in the Outstanding Recorded Music category. Porter has won four previous awards.
Thus, Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents has been blogging for 19 years and received numerous accolades. However, in late 2023, the site announced financial challenges, appealing to readers and supporters to invest to help cover the $300 monthly costs. The blog has some advertising revenue, but founder Sue Kerr primarily funds.
“Pittsburgh loves being listed so we pleased to provide another mention for our region on the national level,” says blog editor Sue Kerr. “Our work relies on the support of our readers and the LGBTQ community.”
Why Is This Blog Nominated?
PghLesbian is nationally renowned for their work amplifying violence against trans folx. For ten+ years, the site has memorialized victims of fatal anti-trans violence. Also in 2022, the site worked to promote the Pittsburgh based #ProtectTransKids project, distributing 2000 yard signs and 10,000 stickers with that simple message.
Now, they are preparing for their annual campaign Q&A’s with candidates for office in Pennsylvania, During the 2023 election cycles, the blog profiled 29 candidates for office with lengthy probes through a LGBTQ+ lens. According to Kerr, she has already received requests for five Q&A’s as of mid-January. She’s hopeful that US Senator Casey and candidates for Congress statewide will use this platform to connect with the LGBTQ community along with candidates for the PA House and Senate.
“2024 is a year when no vote can be taken for granted including LGBTQ voters,” says Kerr. “What’s more we intend to to turn out those voters.”
What’s the Skinny on This Award?
Each year, the GLAAD Media Awards honor media for fair, accurate, and inclusive representations of LGBTQ people and issues. Since 1990, the GLAAD Media Awards have grown to be the most visible annual LGBTQ awards show in the world, sending powerful messages of acceptance to audiences globally.
This year, GLAAD announced 310 nominees across 33 categories.The nominees in the Outstanding Blog category doubled with the expansion from traditional blogs to social community newsletter platforms.
“We like to say that for 19+ years, snowflakes, social justice warriors, and the politically correct have built this blog,” says Kerr. “It is exciting to see what lies ahead for all blogging.”
One way Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents is raising funds is through The Steel City Snowflakes fundraiser. The fundraiser gives donors the opportunity to include a name and message alongside their investment, “buying” a snowflake displayed on Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents website.
“The concept rests on word play around the legacy of snow and social justice in Pittsburgh as well as the values of the blog,” explained Kerr. “So far, we’ve had over 300 donations.”
What’s Next?
In conclusion, the future of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents requires financial security that can only come from community investment. Without a doubt, civil and human rights are under assault from every direction. Absolutely we need independent voices to resist this onslaught.
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