Since 2020, We Have Tracked the Violent Deaths of 36+ Trans Youth, 21 and Under.

The #ProtectTransKids project has been debating our next steps. We have distributed 2000 yard signs, thousands of stickers, and more. We have a network of volunteers, a lot of data, and an organized system thanks to a volunteer coordinator.

But our supply has run out. Because we do not charge individuals for signs, we need to purchase them ahead of time and then fulfill distribution requests. In turn, we are people to make donations so we can buy the next box of signs. Sort of like pay it forward.

We need an infusion of at least $1200 to get this process rolling again. But it hasn’t been a priority of funders of any sort. I’ve approached unions, foundations, corporations, community groups, and more. I’ve asked the media to put out a call for us. No one is responding.

Well, community groups are. We sent our final 50 signs to Sharon in Mercer County for the Pauly Likens vigil. And they’ve requested another 50 signs. But we can’t fill that order. We can’t get more signs to Lawrence, Venango, or Butler counties either.

#ProtectTransKids has never been a fundraiser. It wasn’t a project we created with intent. It came to us when a neighbor with hateful beliefs harassed a Black trans teenager in her own home. I asked that teen what we could do to help and she said “Put up more signs than her with positive messages.”

So we did.

That young woman is now an adult and living her life. That’s what was supposed to happen. This extra step was extraordinary.

I wonder if affirming signs around Pauly’s home would have had any impact? Then I think about the 35+ young trans folx who have died violent deaths in the past 4.5 years. Their situations vary quite a bit, but anti-trans sentiment infuses each in some way.

I don’t know if we’ll get more signs. I will continue to memorialize and hope that the signs we all send up slow my work down. I look through these photos and remember each one. Fragments of their stories, the common threads, the unique elements. Many were just being themselves, living lives any other kid their age would live. One ran into gunfire to save other people. Another’s entire family was killed with her. One died in a parking lot. One was pregnant. One was held captive by her murderer for several years. Several were killed by multiple stabbing injuries. Several were connected or had been connected to child welfare agencies. Three were murdered by their own parents. The one closest to Pittsburgh – her murder remains unsolved.

I’m not being coy asking if we still need affirming programs – obviously, we do. But it doesn’t have to be this one. Perhaps I simply want you to know that we are trying really hard with limited resources. I was strongly urged to find an angel investor who could donate $1200, but that seems like a lot of money to me.

You can donate to #ProtectTransKids through the 501c3 Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities

Donations can be made via:


Venmo @ PittsburghLGBTQ 

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Facebook PittsburghLGBTQ and click donations

Checks can be mailed to PLC at 1439 W. North Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15233

For more information, visit

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