This Pittsburgh Group Distributed 2000 ‘Protect Trans Kids’ Yard Signs, Needs Donations to Continue

A local effort to distribute ‘Protect Trans Kids’ signs and stickers has reached a milestone, but needs community help to continue their work. The project has produced and distributed 2000 yard signs, most in the Pittsburgh region, since June 2022. Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) has spearheaded this project. 

They recently decided to send the remaining inventory of 52 signs to the Shenango Valley LGBTQ Alliance in response to a recent tragedy in Mercer County. 

While they still have stickers for distribution, PLC has closed the form to new requests while determining next steps. The organization has exhausted existing funding to produce the signs. 

“It wasn’t a hard decision to send the signs to Mercer County,” says Sue Kerr. “But now we are faced with the reality that our supplies have been depleted. What does that mean for those who count on those signs planted around the region?” 

The project has been funded entirely by donations. Organizers have  been able to organize distribution spots in Beaver, Butler, Indiana, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. PLC sent a carton of signs to Equality Florida as a gesture of solidarity when anti-trans legislation ramped up. Signs went to Philadelphia’s trans affirming soccer tournament and most recently were distributed at the 2023 Demstock gathering as well as dozens of Pride events in 2023. 

The signs are produced by union-shop Commonwealth Press and cost about $600 for each box of 50 signs and stakes. 

Kerr reports that at least 14 trans youth have been violently killed in the US since January 2023. PLC would like to get even more signs throughout Pennsylvania, particularly with the General Election coming up. This requires local volunteers to coordinate distribution. And it requires more donations. 

“We do not charge anyone for a sign or sticker,” says Kerr. “We need donations to maintain a supply of signs to distribute quickly as requests come in. In light of the seemingly unstoppable terrible news, we need to get this message out as far and wide as possible.” 

Donations can be made via:


Venmo @ PittsburghLGBTQ 

Paypal Charities

Facebook PittsburghLGBTQ and click donations

Checks can be mailed to PLC at 1439 W. North Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15233

For more information, visit



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