Watch The Video Interview Where Burgh Vivant Magazine Asked Me if I Was a Lady or a Dame

The lovely folx at Autostraddle dug up archival footage I had almost forgotten.

This is the semi-regular post where I ask you for money to support this work. But it’s more palatable with fun historical content especially a video where I describe myself as a dame of blogging.

Blogs cost money. I don’t have a lot of money. I am involved in three different lawsuits, one a defamation action against this blog (and me.) That’s a lot of lawyers and legal fees especially when I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not charged with any criminal activities. I’m fairly confident I didn’t commit defamation because the plaintiff is the woman convicted of harassing a 15 year old Black trans girl and her family. That girl (now a young woman) was the inspiration for the Protect Trans Kids project. The plaintiffs motives are suspect at best. But a lawsuit requires money even if you did nothing wrong.

So I’ve got this TERF defamation suit, a civil rights suit about being violated by the County Involuntary Civil Commitment process. And family court. That’s a lot.

I have no access to a car (ZipCar is good, but pricey) and that’s a real problem. I miss the Cat Car. If I could find a used car to make a new art car, I would be so happy. That’s more likely for my finances than ever having a new car.

On the bright side, I’ve been returned to my home for four plus months. My cats are doing great, the cattic is coming along nicely. I see my friends often and might be joining a trivia team.

I try not to let the legal stuff overwhelm me. My heart just aches for all of the people who can’t access justice or even fairness because they don’t have $5,000 retainers. Every time I have that thought, I immediately feel such gratitude for people who invested in saving me.

I hope if we are successful in all of this, it will be to the betterment of the LGBTQ and disability communities. And me and my cats.

The fundamental thing has not changed. I have a bedroom, my cats, an old laptop and phone, and that’s really it. If I need to finance legal issues, my only asset is my blog. Losing the blog would devastate me on a personal level, but also undo nearly two decades of archival materials. That’s a bad thing.

You can help

I found this 2016 clip of the web talk show Burgh Vivant. I’m not sure what I thought I was doing in that sleeveless dinosaur dress, but I seem to be having a good time. Host Brian Edwards asked me some great questions about the #AMPLIFY archive. We have 318 stories from LGBTQ folx with ties to Western Pennsylvania.

Take a deep dive. But first, watch this video and then make a contribution.



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