Countdown to the #BackYardSale: Go Back To Bed!

where to donate cat  beds

Next on our list of items for (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx are cat beds.

A bed is a very personal item to pass along. I find it very hard. But important.

Lots of sizes and styles, some modeled here. Beds can be especially comfy for sick or injured cats, litters of foster kittens, aging animals, and when floors are hard.

Beds can keep a cat satisfied and not trying to get your seat on the couch. Multiple beds allow for cuddling and space when desired.

If you have an extra bed, toss it in the wash and bring it our way. If you can make a bed, we have covers. Any type will go to good use.

We also have items in our Amazon wishlist


1213 W North Ave 15233 (steps)

1400 Faulsey Way 15233 (backyard alley)

Look for patio bins at both spots

The middle image is Pretty Girl sleeping in an abandoned house. Now she has several shelters with clean straw AND an outdoor elevated bed to snooze in the sun.


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