Watch This Video: Somali Born Trans Woman Fought To Tell Her Story After Being Shot and Paralyzed in 2022. She Died Earlier This Month Ohio.

When I first learned about Kassim Omar, I saw a video embedded in story by the Columbus Dispatch. She had been fully paralyzed in the 2022 shooting, relying on a trach tube that should have prevented her from speaking. But she trained herself to speak.

Kassim was not interviewed by law enforcement before the trial. She was not presented with a chance to address the court. She was silenced until the Columbus Dispatch took the time to amplify her voice and her story.

Kassim died from the injuries sustained in the incident she never got to testify about. This is her testimony. The least we can do is listen to her. She is very clear that being able to speak about her experiences is justice she deserves.

The video was embedded in an article about Kassim. The video on it’s own is her actual voice. It was behind a paywall of sorts. So I went to the Columbus Dispatch and asked them to put this video on their YouTube channel to allow the world to hear Kassim. They graciously agreed.

Please share the YouTube link. I hope the DA in Columbus will at least watch the video, too.

Rest in power, Kassim.


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