Help 16 year old neglected cat get another chance

Peyton found us.

She crept out of an abandoned house, leaping into the arms of my neighbor, Marie.

At the vet’s office, we learned she weighed 4 lbs, had serious dental issues, and a mystery malady in her upper respiratory system. Her coat was caked in crud and a greasy substance.

That was September 6. She was too frail for a bath. We fed her, gave her attention, and searched for a rescue.

Peyton sneezed constantly. Big wet gross sneezes that sent mucous flying. She tested negative, got through her two week quarantine.

Peyton gained two lbs in two weeks. She is lively, seeking affection, curious about other cats.

Today, Peyton began to groom herself. Her caretaker had regularly wiped her down and replaced her linens. Chunks of hardened cat fur embedded in grime are everywhere. She lives being brushed.

Today, she began grooming herself. She wants to feel better, to live a better cat life.

We are still waiting for a rescue slot. Two didn’t return our inquiry, one said no, and two are pending.

Peyton needs to be an only cat because of the URI. Or only cat within sneezing distance. She needs dental work. She’ll need testing to confirm hypothesis that her chronic URI were caused by overuse of steroids and can’t be cured.

Her heart, lungs, and kidneys are healthy. She eats canned food like a champ.

She needs a good rescue. We cannot provide her with what she needs. We’ll do our best while waiting on the rescues.

We have a wishlist of supplies for Peyton

We have a crowdfund to cover her large vet bill.

We just need a rescue.


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