Donate Your Nativity and Holiday Decorations to Make a Statement

Holiday nativity  scene
Cativity Scene?

In 2022, I decided to create a Nativity Scene also known as a créche in front of my home. The objective was to raise awareness of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities projects. People stopped.

Back up a bit to 2019. My friend Sarah gifted me with a large plastic Jesus, Mary, and Joseph outdoor set. She had inherited from her parents and did not use. I fell in love. They spent a few holidays on the back deck, adding just a tch of 70’s holiday cheesiness to the season.

In 2021, I decorated Fort Faulsey to celebrate the holidays. Everyone thoughts I was ridiculous – I ordered solar powered lights, stockings, bought a tree. Somewhere I have photos of the community cats staring at the lights. Marie and I made a plan too it again.

In 2022, I wanted to create a simple moment of awareness for folx driving past our home. It quickly became a treatise on religion and gender identity and children. And cats.

Neighbors donated bits and pieces of their nativity sets, animal figures for the manger, and more.

I wasn’t here for Christmas 2023, so I want to roar back this year.

If you have a nativity scene, cat or donkey figurines, a Santa? Snowmen? Solar holiday lights?

If you have anything to contribute, please feel free to drop off at 1439 W. North Avenue in Manchester. There’s a patio box. Feel free to use it.

Feel free to make offerings. Send a message. Protect trans kids. Feliz Navidad.

Everything was gifted to us. Now it is also a treatise on religion and gender identity and children. If you have anything to contribute, please do. I have a battery powered tree to put up. More cats, a donkey, a praying Santa? More solar or battery lights? Presents? Cat food? Pride ornaments? Feel free to make offerings.


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